Here the variables $servername is equal to the name of the MySQL server host or ip address ( 'localhost' or ''),
$dbuser stores the user id and $dbpassword is the password assign to the
user id to access the mysql_server. If successful then it will return TRUE
and we can check the variable $link to check the status of the command.
if(!$link){die("Could not connect to MySQL");}
The above command will display the error message if connection is not
established. Now once the MySQL connection established then we can select
the database by using the command mysql_select_db. Here is the command.
mysql_select_db("$dbname",$link) or die ("could not open
The above command will connect to database name stored in the variable
$dbname. In case of any error the above line will print out it. Here is the
total script below to connect from PHP to MySQL database using a function. At
the top of the code we are assigning all values requried to connect to MySQL
// hostname or ip of server
// username and password to log onto db server
// name of database
////////////// Do not edit below/////////
function connecttodb($servername,$dbname,$dbuser,$dbpassword)
global $link;
if(!$link){die("Could not connect to MySQL");}
mysql_select_db("$dbname",$link) or die ("could not open