Displaying records in PHP from MySQL table

Displaying data from a table is a very common requirement and we can do this in various ways depending on the way it is required. We will start with a simple one to just display the records and then we will move to advance one like breaking the returned records to number of pages. We will start with simple displaying the records of this table.
id name class mark
1 John Deo Four 75
2 Max Ruin Three 85
3 Arnold Three 55
4 Krish Star Four 60
5 John Mike Four 60
6 Alex John Four 55
7 My John Rob Fifth 78

Before starting please ensure that you have connected to MySql database and also check the article on PHP MySQL query to know how to execute MySql queries by using PHP

Let us first start by storing the query in a variable and then executing it
MySQLI database connection file
Example : Object Oriented Style
require "config.php";// Database connection file.

$query="select * from student LIMIT 0,5 ";

//Variable $connection is declared inside config.php file & used here
if ($result_set = $connection->query($query)) {
while($row = $result_set->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
echo $row['id'],$row['name'],$row['class'],$row['mark']."<br>";
More about the above code is here.
$connectionConnection object Declared inside config.php file
$result_setquery() returns True of False based on success or failure of Query. On success it returns mysqli_result object.
fetch_arrayReturns row of data from result set as array of string. NULL is returned if no more row is available to return.
Used WHILE loop to display record by record. You can see our php While to learn about loops.

The code above will print name , class and mark records and you can see we have used <br> tag to give one line break after each record. This can be formatted well to display inside a table.
1John DeoFour75female
2Max RuinThree85male
4Krish StarFour60female
5John MikeFour60female
Procedural style
require "config.php";// Database connection file.

$query="select * from student LIMIT 0,5 ";
if ($result_set = mysqli_query($connection,$query)) {
while($row = $result_set->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
echo $row['id'],$row['name'],$row['class'],$row['mark']."<br>";

Using MySQLi

MySQLi connection

require "config.php";// Database connection
if($stmt = $connection->query("SELECT id, name ,class, mark FROM student")){
  echo "No of records : ".$stmt->num_rows."<br>";
  while ($row = $stmt->fetch_assoc()) {
	echo $row['id'],$row['name'],$row['class'].$row['mark']."<br>";
echo $connection->error;

Using PDO

PDO connection
require "config.php"; // Database Connection
/////// Display records /////
$sql="SELECT id,name,class,mark  FROM student LIMIT 0,5 "; 

echo "<table>

foreach ($dbo->query($sql) as $row) {
echo "<tr ><td>$row[id]</td><td>$row[name]</td><td>$row[class]</td><td>$row[mark]</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
MySQLi select query to get data

Displaying single record

From the above code we can create links to display full details of the record. We will carry unique id of the record through query string and then display the single record.
Link with name value pair
Displaying single record per page

Breaking number of records to multiple pages

When our output have more number of records to display and we want to display few records ( say 10 only ) per page then we can use Paging concept to limit the number of records per page. We will add navigational links to move between pages to display all records.
Breaking number of records by PHP paging

Filtering records.

By adding SQL commands like WHERE conditions we can filter data as per our requirements. Let us find out the records of class Four only.
$query="select * from student WHERE class='Four'";
SQL WHERE Condition

PHP MySQL Query with Error message
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    thank you...it works..


    Thanks dude, this tutorial helped me a lot.


    Hi can you tell me how to insert date month and year combine in databese
    Venedict Francisco


    how can i post or display data information from the two different table?


    You can always combine more than one table and display information. You can select multiple tables in a select statement and join more than two tables by using LEFT join

    Check SQL section for more details.

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