Exercise Solution on Object Oriented Programming

Tutorial on Class Object & Method
  1. Exercise on Object Oriented Programming
  2. Create one student_kit class. Student object should have name and section.

    Method : mark_sheet , input: mark in three subjects and output should print individual mark and sum of it
    Method : attendance sheet , input: Number of working days , Number of days attended. Percentage of attendance should be presented.
    Method : Final certificate : should display passed from College name and section.
  3. Update the above code to return Certificate showing total marks obtained and attendance in percentage by the student. ( Optional ) You can give grade A, B or C and decide Pass or Fail based on marks obtained ( as entered during generation of mark sheet )
  4. Use the above code to take three students details from user as input and print one by one each student details. ( Hint : Use dictionary having a list to store the data )
  5. Keep your student_kit class in a separate file ( student_kit.py ) . Create a new file using the above code for creating three student inputs. Call the class student_kit from your new file and use the methods to show marksheet , certificate , attendance etc for each student.Use this code in your new file to link the class.
     from student_kit  import student_kit

Exercise Solution
class student_kit():
    now=200  # Numbe of working days, class attribute 
    def __init__(self,name,section):
    def marksheet(self,mark1,mark2,mark3):
        self.sum_marks=self.mark1 + self.mark2 + self.mark3
        return mark1+mark2+mark3
    def attendance(self,nop):         
        print("Name of student is {}".format(self.name))
        print("No of days {} was absent is {}".format(self.name,student_kit.now-nop))
        print("percentage of attendance {}".format(self.percentage_of_attendace))

    def certificate(self):
        print("\n\n#### Certificate #####\n")
        print("Total marks obtained by",self.name, " is : ",self.sum_marks)
        print(" Attendance ",self.percentage_of_attendace,"%")  #access data from other methods
kalu=student_kit("Kalu","A")   #object kalu is created        
print("Student Name:",kalu.name," of Section :",kalu.section)
a=int(input("\n Enter maths marks: "))
b=int(input("Enter physics marks: "))
c=int(input("Enter Chemistry marks: "))

p=int(input("Enter no of days present: "))

print("Total Mark ",kalu.marksheet(a,b,c))
Keep your student_kit class in a separate file ( student_kit.py ) . Create a new file using the above code for creating three student inputs. Call the class student_kit from your new file and use the methods to show mark sheet , certificate , attendance etc for each student.Use this code in your new file to link the class.

# Create the dictionary with three students
# For each student take marks in three subjects and attendance
# For each student display certificate using student_kit.

from student_kit import student_kit


for i in range(0,3):
    n=input("Student Name : ")
    a=int(input("\n Enter maths marks: "))
    b=int(input("Enter physics marks: "))
    c=int(input("Enter Chemistry marks: "))

    p=int(input("Enter no of days present: "))



for i in my_dict:
    obj=student_kit(i,"A")  #object  is created 
    print("Total Mark ",obj.marksheet(my_dict[i][0],my_dict[i][1],my_dict[i][2]))
class student_kit():
    now=200 # Number of working days, class attribute 
    def __init__(self,name,section):
    def marksheet(self,mark1,mark2,mark3):
        self.sum_marks=self.mark1 + self.mark2 + self.mark3
        return mark1+mark2+mark3
    def attendance(self,nop):         
        print("Name of student is {}".format(self.name))
        print("No of days {} was absent is {}".format(self.name,student_kit.now-nop))
        print("percentage of attendance {}".format(self.percentage_of_attendace))

    def certificate(self):
        print("\n\n#### Certificate #####\n")
        print("Total marks obtaind by",self.name, " is : ",self.sum_marks)
        print(" Attendace ",self.percentage_of_attendace,"%") #access data from other methods    
Tutorial on Class Object & Method
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