Canvas is like a blank white paper where the x , y coordinates starts from bottom left.
x coordinate increases towards right and y coordinate increases towards up direction.
The bottomup argument switches the coordinate system from bottom left to to top left of the page.
How to create PDF file
Import canvas from reportlab and we are using my_pdf.pdf as our file name. The option buttomup=0 is the default setting ( top , left ) and by setting the value to 1 we can start our coordinate system from buttom left.
Change the value of my_path as per your system ( requirement ) .
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\pypdf2\\my_pdf.pdf'
c = canvas.Canvas(my_path,bottomup=0)
c.drawString(200,200,"Hello World") # write text in page
c.showPage() # saves current page # stores the file and close the canvas
Above code will create the my_pdf.pdf file in the path and write the string Hello World at x=200 and y= 200 position.
Font colour and font size
We can manage the font size and font colour. Before using drawString() we can set these values.
c.setFont("Helvetica", 20) # font family and size
#c.setFillColorCMYK(.2,.2,0,.39) # font colour as CMYK
#c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) # font colour as RGB
#c.setFillColor('lightgreen')#lawngreen, lightblue,lemonchiffon
c.setFillColor('lightblue') #lavendarblush
c.drawString(200,200,"Hello World") # write text in page
Font style
There are some default font family supported by ReportLab. We can get a list of supported fonts by using getAvailableFonts() method.
Here is a script to display a list of available fonts.
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\pypdf2\\my_pdf.pdf'# file path
c = canvas.Canvas(my_path,pagesize=letter)
c.translate(inch,inch) # starting point of coordinate to one inch
c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) # fill colour
l1=c.getAvailableFonts() # list of available fonts
j=1 # to adjust Y coordinate against each row
for my_font in l1: # loop through all fonts
c.setFont(my_font,16) # set font family and size
c.showPage() # saves current page # stores the file and close the canvas
Installing and working on custom fonts
We will learn how to use Python's ReportLab library to embed and use a custom TrueType font in a PDF document. By handling font files and registering them with ReportLab, we create a PDF that displays text in the specified custom font. This guide covers loading the font, setting it in the PDF canvas, and writing text using the custom font. Adding different font support in Reportlab →
Understanding Geometry
We can use various canvas methods like transform, translate, scale, rotate to manage the layout. Here we will start with using the dimension unit inch
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter, A4
We can set the margins of the page like this
c.translate(inch,inch) # set the starting point of coordinate
Drawing Lines
To draw a line we need two coordinates. x1,y1 and x2,y2.
Here we are using inch unit.
To set the colour of the line we used setStrokeColurRGB(). We used setLineWidth(10) to set the thickness of the line.
By using translate() we have set the coordinates by keeping one inch as margin.
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter,A4
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\pypdf2\\my_pdf.pdf'# file path
c = canvas.Canvas(my_path,bottomup=1,pagesize=letter)
c.translate(inch,inch) #starting point of coordinate to one inch
c.setStrokeColorRGB(1,0,0) # red colour of line
c.setLineWidth(10) #width of the line
c.line(0,8*inch,7*inch,8*inch) # draw line
c.showPage() # saves current page # stores the file and close the canvas
Drawing Grid
Instead of using multiple lines we can create grid on our canvas.
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4
my_path='E:\\testing\\my_pdf\\my_pdf.pdf'# file path
c = canvas.Canvas(my_path,bottomup=1,pagesize=A4)
w,h=A4 # width and height of the page
xlist = [20, 70, 120, 170] # Horizontal coordinates
ylist = [h - 20, h - 70, h - 120, h - 170] # vertical
c.grid(xlist, ylist) # adding grid # stores the file and close the canvas
Adding text inside grid.
c.grid(xlist, ylist)
c.drawString(70,h-70,"plus2net") # write text in page
We have to specify the x and y coordinates along with the image.
width and height are optional.
Here we have fixed the margin by using translate() method, so we used -0.8*inch as X value to keep the image at Left edge.
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter,A4
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\pypdf2\\my_pdf.pdf'
c = canvas.Canvas(my_path,bottomup=1,pagesize=letter)
c.translate(inch,inch) #starting point of coordinates
c.showPage() # saves current page # stores the file and close the canvas
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter,A4
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\pypdf2\\my_pdf.pdf'# file path
c = canvas.Canvas(my_path,bottomup=1,pagesize=letter)
c.translate(inch,inch) # starting point of coordinate to one inch
c.setLineWidth(10) # width of the border of rectangle
c.setStrokeColor('yellow') # border colour
c.setFillColor('lightgreen') # fill colour
c.showPage() # saves current page # stores the file and close the canvas
watermark pdf document
We can use text to place watermark over the PDF document. Here the font colour of the text will make it light gray by using CMYK colour values. Increse the last value if you want more dark colour.
c.rotate(45) # rotate by 45 degree
# font colour CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW and BLACK
c.setFillColorCMYK(0,0,0,0.08) # colour values
c.setFont("Helvetica", 100) # font style and size
c.drawString(2*inch, 1*inch, "SAMPLE") # String written
c.rotate(-45) # restore the rotation
Full code with watrmark is here
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter,A4
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\pypdf2\\my_pdf.pdf'# file path
c = canvas.Canvas(my_path,bottomup=1,pagesize=letter)
c.translate(inch,inch) # starting point of coordinate to one inch
c.setLineWidth(10) # width of the border of rectangle
c.setStrokeColor('yellow') # border colour
c.setFillColor('lightgreen') # fill colour
#start watermark
c.rotate(45) # rotate by 45 degree
# font colour CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW and BLACK
c.setFillColorCMYK(0,0,0,0.08) # colour values
c.setFont("Helvetica", 100) # font style and size
c.drawString(2*inch, 1*inch, "SAMPLE") # String written
c.rotate(-45) # restore the rotation
c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
c.setFillColorRGB(1,0,0) # font colour
c.drawString(0, -0.9*inch, u"\u00A9"+"")
c.showPage() # saves current page # stores the file and close the canvas
PDF Standard Templates
We use letter pads as common template to use for any letter or bill. Using the above concepts we will prepare one standard Letter head and use them to add more text to tour pdf document.
Here are two files will create the pdf document by using template from file.
Password protected PDF file
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib import pdfencrypt
pw=pdfencrypt.StandardEncryption('test') # password is test
my_path='D:\\testing\\my_pdf\\my_pdf.pdf'# file path
c = canvas.Canvas(my_path,bottomup=0,encrypt=pw)
c.drawString(200,200,'Hello world')
I have created a comprehensive YouTube playlist on how to use ReportLab to create PDF documents in Python. This playlist includes detailed tutorials that cover a wide range of topics, from basic PDF creation to advanced features and customizations. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, these videos will guide you through the process of generating professional-quality PDFs programmatically. Check out the playlist here: