toordinal(): converts a date object to its corresponding Gregorian ordinal

toordinal : Return Proleptic Gregorian ordinal of the date starting with 1 as January 1 of year 1.
This represents the number of days since **January 1, 0001**. This method is useful for date calculations and comparisons.

How ordinal is used to get date by using fromordinal()

Today's ordinal vlaue

from datetime import date
print("Today toordinal value : ", my_ordinal)
Today toordinal value :  737319
Getting todays and tomorrows toordinal. We used timedelta here to get tomorrow's date object.
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta 
print("Today toordinal : ", + timedelta(days=1)
print("Tomorrow toordinal : ", tomorrow.toordinal())
Output is here
Today toordinal :  737319
Tomorrow toordinal :  737320
We can create a date object and then get the value
import datetime
dt=datetime.datetime(2019,5,24) # Year, Month, date as input
We can check the above data ( todays date )
dt=datetime.datetime(2019,9,16) # Year, Month, date as input

Example 1: Finding the Difference Between Two Dates

We can use toordinal() to calculate the number of days between two dates.

from datetime import date

start_date = date(2024, 1, 1)  
end_date = date(2024, 12, 31)  

days_difference = end_date.toordinal() - start_date.toordinal()
print("Days between start and end date:", days_difference)

Example 2: Converting Ordinal to Date

We can use fromordinal() to convert an ordinal number back to a date.

from datetime import date

ordinal_value = 738000  
dt = date.fromordinal(ordinal_value)  
print("Date from ordinal:", dt)

Handling Edge Cases

Example 3: Handling Leap Year Differences

Leap years add complexity when calculating day differences. Let's check the effect of a leap year.

from datetime import date

date1 = date(2020, 2, 28)  
date2 = date(2020, 3, 1)  

print("Days between Feb 28 and Mar 1 in 2020:", date2.toordinal() - date1.toordinal())

Example 4: Checking the First Day of Each Year

We can find the ordinal value of the first day of any year.

from datetime import date

for year in range(2020, 2025):  
    print(f"First day of {year}:", date(year, 1, 1).toordinal())

Generating a Sequence of Dates

We can generate a sequence of dates by iterating over a range of ordinal values.

from datetime import date

start_date = date(2025, 2, 8)
end_date = date(2025, 2, 12)

for ordinal in range(start_date.toordinal(), end_date.toordinal() + 1):
    current_date = date.fromordinal(ordinal)

Use Cases for toordinal()

  • Sorting Dates Numerically: Convert dates to ordinal values for easier numerical sorting.
  • Date Range Calculations: Determine the number of days between two dates using ordinal values.
  • Historical Data Analysis: Track events or analyze trends based on sequential days.
  • Machine Learning Features: Use ordinal values as numerical features for date-based predictions.

All Date Objects fromordinal()
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