dir(): a list of the attributes and methods of an object, class, module, or any Python environment
dir([object]) returns a list of attributes and methods
object : ( Optional ) List of attributes and methods are returned.
List of names in local scope or attributes and methods of an object. If we input any module then it gives information about the module.
If input object is given then the attributes and methods are returned.
Without any arguments, dir() returns the list of names in current local scope.
Don’t forget to restart and clear the output of the Kernel when you try dir() by adding or removing modules or objects.
Here is a list of Built in functions available in core Python. No need to add any external module to use these built in functions. Check here how such list of built in functions is generated by importing builtins module and then using dir() to get the list of functions.
import builtins
for i in dir(builtins):
#print("<tr><td>" + i + "</td><td> </td></tr>")
print("Total Builtin Functions : ",len(dir(builtins)))