We can allow some functions in global scope only to execute by using global option. Let us import our math module and find the sum of a iterable_object
This will generate error as we have used one empty dictionary ( not allowing any method ) .
import math
This will work as we have allowed math.fsum to execute. Output is 15.0
import math
exec(str,{"fs":math.fsum}) # 15.0
builtin functions
exec() has full access to all builtin functions of Python. This code will not generate any error though we have supplied an empty dictionary ({}) to globals. Output is 15
exec(str,{}) # 15
Difference Between eval() and exec() in Python
eval() is used to evaluate a single Python expression and return the result. It's suitable for simple evaluations of Python expressions that have a return value.
exec() is used for executing dynamically generated Python code which can be more complex than a single expression. It can execute multiple statements and even complex code structures, such as loops or function definitions, but it doesn't return the result.
Take precaution by not allowing un-cleaned code to get executed through exec(). There is a potential danger in allowing codes to get executed without proper check.