Reading directory and storing file details in Database

  1. Read the CSV file as downloaded from Analytics
  2. Read all the file details from MySql table getting tracking page name
  3. Create table for the month using previous month table structure.
  4. Run the query to create table in SQLITE database.

Creting plus2_search_file in MySql

  1. Create list of directories to be read.
  2. Loop through all list of directories and create path.
  3. Inside the loop read file modified data, file size.
  4. Inside the file read the title, file description , keyword and track ( Unique identification of the file )
  5. Insert all these details to the MySQL table
  6. Display error message if any
Reading file details of the directories and then storing in MySQL database

Using SQLite

Moving the file position by seek() We can read the file position by tell()

File Append File Write
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