Reading directory and storing file details in Database
- Read the CSV file as downloaded from Analytics
- Read all the file details from MySql table getting tracking page name
- Create table for the month using previous month table structure.
- Run the query to create table in SQLITE database.
Creting plus2_search_file in MySql
- Create list of directories to be read.
- Loop through all list of directories and create path.
- Inside the loop read file modified data, file size.
- Inside the file read the title, file description , keyword and track ( Unique identification of the file )
- Insert all these details to the MySQL table
- Display error message if any
Reading file details of the directories and then storing in MySQL database
Using SQLite
Moving the file position by seek() »
We can read the file position by tell() »
« File Append
File Write »
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This article is written by team.