Python Math functions
In all our examples below, we will check by using both binary and decimal numbers. It is advisable to understand how to convert decimal to Binary and vice versa.
bin() : To convert integer to Binary
int() : To convert Binary to Integer ( base = 2 )
#printing decimal to binary
print(bin(120).replace('0b','')) # 1111000
# binary to decimal
print(int('1111000',2)) # 120
Bitwise AND ( & )
Returns 1 when both operands are 1, otherwise returns 0.
print(3 & 4) # 0
print(bin(3).replace('0b','')) # 11
print(bin(4).replace('0b','')) # 100
print(12 & 15) # 12
print(bin(12).replace('0b','')) # 1100
print(bin(15).replace('0b','')) # 1111
Bitwise OR ( | )
Returns 0 if both operands 0, otherwise returns 1.
print(12 | 15) # 15
print(bin(12).replace('0b','')) # 1100
print(bin(15).replace('0b','')) # 1111
print(34 | 12) # 46
print(bin(34).replace('0b','')) # 100010
print(bin(12).replace('0b','')) # 1100
print(int('101110',2)) # 46
Bitwise XOR ( ^ )
Returns 1 of both operands are different, otherwise 0.
print(12 ^ 15) # 3
print(bin(12).replace('0b','')) # 1100
print(bin(15).replace('0b','')) # 1111
print(34 ^ 12) # 46
print(bin(34).replace('0b','')) # 100010
print(bin(12).replace('0b','')) # 1100
print(int('101110',2)) # 46
1's complement (~ )
Flips the bits until one 0 is reached (from right side )
This can be represented as
~x = -x-1
print(~15) # -16
print(~4) # -5
print(~-22) # 21
print(~99) # -100
Bitwise LEFT shift operator ( << )
This shifts left the binary number by given ( input ) places. The place vacated at left is filled by zeros.
print(14<<2) # 56
print(bin(14).replace('0b','')) #1110
Bitwise RIGHT shift operator ( >> )
This shifts right the binary number by given ( input ) places.
print(14>>2) # 3
print(bin(14).replace('0b','')) #1110
print(90>>3) # 11
print(bin(90).replace('0b','')) #1011010
print(int('1011',2)) #11
Examples of Bitwise operator
By using Left shift operator by 1 we can multiple the integer by 2
By using Right shift operator by 1 we can divide the integer by 2
print(14<<1) # 28
print(14>>1) # 7
print(100 <<1) # 200
print(100 >>1) # 50
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