BLOB : Binary Large Objects
While handling binary or unstructured data like image or multimedia files we use Blob Data type of MySQL table.
BLOB: binary large object
We will learn how to add binary data , update and display them by using sample image file as data.
We defined my_connas connection object
In all the codes below replace userid, password and database_name with your MySQL login and database details.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://userid:password@localhost/database_name")
We will learn how to add binary data , update and display them by using sample image file as data.
student table
Our student_profile table has three columns,
id int(2) student varchar(10) profile_photo blob
This can be linked with our student table and photos of the student can be displayed.
Adding image to a Blob column
We have 4 sample images inside the zip file ( download at the end of this page with sample codes ). Here we are adding one record only with id = 1 and student='Alex'. We used the 1.png file as photo of the student and added to table.
You can repeat same process for balance 3 records by changing the id , student name and sample photo and insert the records to table.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://userid:password@localhost/database_name")
fob=open('D:/testing/blob/photos/1.png','rb')# change your path
data=(1,'Alex',fob) # tuple with data
id=my_conn.execute("INSERT INTO student_profile(id,student,profile_photo) \
VALUES (%s,%s,%s)",data)
print("Row Added = ",id.rowcount)
Displaying records
We will collect and display all records, here for the photos stored in Blob column we will create one image ( for each record ) and store it inside output folder. The image file name is based on id of the record ( 1.png, 2.png ... etc )
Check these lines on how the images are created based on the id of the record for file name and how data is used to create the file. Here row[0] is the id of the record and row[2] holds the binary data collected from Blob column of MySQL table.
fob=open('D:/testing/blob/output/'+ str(row[0])+'.png','wb')
fob=fob.write(row[2]) # blob data
Full code to display records is here.
my_cursor=my_conn.execute("SELECT * FROM student_profile")
for row in my_result:
fob=open('D:/testing/blob/output/'+ str(row[0])+'.png','wb')# change your path
fob=fob.write(row[2]) # blob data
Updating record
We will update the photo for one record.
query="UPDATE student_profile SET profile_photo=%s WHERE ID=%s"
print("Rows updated = ",my_cursor.rowcount)
Using delete query
By using the id number of the row we will delete the record.
query="DELETE FROM student_profile WHERE id=%s"
print("Row Deleted ")