We will use SQL INSERT to add a record to our database student table.
We defined my_conn as connection object.
In all the codes below replace userid, password and database_name with your MySQL login and database details.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine,text
my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://id:pw@localhost/my_db")
my_conn = my_conn.connect() # connection object or connection string
We are using student table. Use the code to create your sample student table.
Storing MySQL Login details securely →
Add single record to student table.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine,text
my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://userid:password@localhost/database_name")
my_conn = my_conn.connect() # connection object or connection string
id=my_conn.execute(text("INSERT INTO `database_name`.`student` (`name` ,`class` ,`mark` ,`sex`) \
VALUES ('King1', 'Five', '45', 'male')"))
print("Row Added = ",id.rowcount)
Row Added = 1
In our student table we have used one auto incremented id column. We will collect this id after adding record to database.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine,text
my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://userid:password@localhost/database_name")
my_conn = my_conn.connect() # connection object or connection string
id=my_conn.execute(text("INSERT INTO `database_name`.`student` (`name` ,`class` ,`mark` ,`sex`) \
VALUES ('King1', 'Five', '45', 'male')"))
print("ID of Row Added = ",id.lastrowid)
ID of Row Added = 46
Using parameterized query to add record
Always use parameterized query when the data is coming from unknown sources. This is required to prevent injection attack.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text
my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://root:test@localhost/my_tutorial")
my_conn = my_conn.connect()
query = "INSERT INTO `student` (`name` ,`class` ,`mark` ,`gender`) \
VALUES (:name, :class, :mark, :gender)"
my_data = {
"name": 'King Li',
"class": 'Four',
"mark": 58,
"gender": 'Female'
id = my_conn.execute(text(query), my_data) # insert data
print("ID of Row Added = ", id.lastrowid)
ID of Row Added = 45
Using multiple records to add
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text
my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://id:pw@localhost/my_db")
my_conn = my_conn.connect()
query = "INSERT INTO `student` (`name`, `class`, `mark`, `gender`) \
VALUES (:name, :class, :mark, :gender)"
my_data = [
{"name": "King", "class": "Five", "mark": 45, "gender": "male"},
{"name": "Queen", "class": "Four", "mark": 44, "gender": "Female"},
{"name": "Jack", "class": "Three", "mark": 42, "gender": "male"}
id = my_conn.execute(text(query), my_data)
print("Rows Added = ", id.rowcount)
print("Database error")
Rows Added = 3
Capturing error message
If we want specific error message then can use like this.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine,text
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://root:test@localhost/my_tutorial")
query="INSERT INTO `student` (`name` ,`class` ,`mark` ,`gender`) VALUES (:name, :class, :mark, :gender)"
my_data = [
{"name": "King", "class": "Five", "mark": 45, "gender": "male"},
{"name": "Queen", "class": "Four", "mark": 44, "gender": "Female"},
{"name": "Jack", "class": "Three", "mark": 42, "gender": "male"}
print("Rows Added = ",id.rowcount)
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
error = str(e.__dict__.get('orig', e)) # get error message
Listing all tables of the database
r_set=my_conn.execute(text("SHOW TABLES"));
for row in r_set:
Listing all row of a table
r_set=my_conn.execute(text("SELECT * FROM student"));
for row in r_set:
By using Tkinter we can create one GUI interface to store user entered inputs in MySQL table
Tkinter window to add user entered data to MySQL table
« More on Error handling
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