rowcount : Rows affected by Query

We can get number of rows affected by the query by using rowcount. We will use one SELECT query here. ( What is a SELECT query ? )
We defined my_cursor as connection object.
Here is the code to create connection object
import mysql.connector

my_connect = mysql.connector.connect(
####### end of connection ####
my_cursor = my_connect.cursor()
Using my_cusor we will manage our database.
my_cursor = my_connect.cursor(buffered=True) # my_connect is the connection 
my_cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM  student Where class='Five'")
print("Rows returned = ",my_cursor.rowcount)
Output is here
Rows returned =  11


We have used my_cursor as buffered cursor.
my_cursor = my_connect.cursor(buffered=True)
This type cursor fetches rows and buffers them after getting output from MySQL database. We can use such cursor as iterator. There is no point in using buffered cursor for single fetching of rows.

If we don’t use buffered cursor then we will get -1 as output from rowcount
my_cursor = my_connect.cursor(buffered=False) # my_connect is the connection 
my_cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM  student Where class='Five'")
print("Rows returned = ",my_cursor.rowcount)
Rows returned =  -1
Here is an update query to change the records. ( What is an UPDATE query ?)
my_cursor = my_connect.cursor() #
my_cursor.execute("UPDATE student SET class='Five' Where class='Four'")
print("Rows updated = ",my_cursor.rowcount)
Output is here
Rows updated = 9
Let us use one DELETE query ( What is a DELETE Query ? )
my_cursor = my_connect.cursor() # Cursor 
my_cursor.execute("DELETE FROM student Where class='Five'")
print("Rows Deleted = ",my_cursor.rowcount)
Output is here
Rows Deleted = 11
By using INSERT query ( What is an INSERT Query ? )
my_cursor = my_connect.cursor() # Cursor 
my_cursor.execute("INSERT INTO  `my_tutorial`.`student` (`id` ,`name` ,`class` ,`mark` ,`sex`) \
                  VALUES ('36',  'King',  'Five',  '45',  'male')")
print("Rows Added  = ",my_cursor.rowcount)
Output is here
Rows Added  = 1
MySQL affected rows

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