There are several options we can add to above bar graph.
title :
title='Student Mark' String used as Title of the graph. We can also use one list to give titles to sub graphs. ( for this subplot must be true )
figsize :
Size of the graph , it is a tuple saying width and height in inches, figsize=(6,3). Here width is 6 inches and height is 3 inches.
X: Y:
What is to be used in X and Y axis. If you have multiple keys then you can specify what can be used. Note that Y axis must be numeric data to plot the graph.
Example : Here we have used y='MARK' to plot the graph against the name of students ( x='NAME' )
True or False ( default is True ) , To show index ( use_index = True) or not ( use_index = False). The difference is mentioned here ( check X - axis ) .
We will show grid ( grid=True ) or not ( grid=False)
True of False ( default is True ), to show legend ( legend=True ) or not ( legend=False)
The colour of the bar we can define by using list. We have to give our inputs in R G B where each value varies from 0 to 1. Here is one sample.
code is here .
We can define different colours to each bar of the graph. We will prepare a list of different colours for each bar.
my_colors = [(x/10.0, x/20.0, .9)
for x in range(len(df))]"color",x='NAME',
logx logy loglog
We can specify log scaling or symlog scaling for x ( logx=True ) or y ( logy=True ) or for both x & y ( loglog=True)
df.plot.line( title="logy=True",logy=True)
Whether to plot on secondary Y Axis ( secondary_y=True ) or not ( secondary_y=False )
Check the image above when secondary_y=True. There is a automatic marking in column lebels saying (right). We can manage this to show ( mark_right=True) or not ( mark_right=False)