Exercise on Pandas DataFrame Plots

Download student.xlsx file

  1. Read the data from Excel table and plot a line graph showing Number of students in each class.
  2. Plot bar graph showing Class and its Mean mark of each class.
  3. Plot bar graph showing Class and its Mean mark and Maximum mark of each class.
  4. Create a Pie chart showing Class and number of students.
  5. Create a density plot by using Mark
Solution 1
import pandas as pd 
my_data = pd.read_excel('D:\student.xlsx',index_col='id')
df.plot.line(title="Class and number of Marks");
Solution 2
import pandas as pd 
my_data = pd.read_excel('D:\student.xlsx',index_col='id')
df.plot.bar(title="Class1 and Mean mark");
Solution 3
import pandas as pd 
my_data = pd.read_excel('D:\student.xlsx',index_col='id')
df.plot.bar(title="Class with Mean and Max mark");
Solution 4
import pandas as pd 
my_data = pd.read_excel('D:\student.xlsx',index_col='id')
df.plot.pie(title="Class with number of students");
Solution 5
import pandas as pd 
my_data = pd.read_excel('D:\student.xlsx',index_col='id')
df.plot.density(title="Mark Density");

Pandas plot

Plotting graphs using DataFrame
plot-linePlotting line graph with different options
plot-barPlotting bar graph with different options
plot-barhPlotting Horizontal bar graph with different options
plot-histHistogram with different options
plot-boxplotboxplot with different options
plot-piePie diagram with different options
plot-densityDensity diagram with different options
plot-areaArea diagram with different options
plot-scatterScatter plot with different options

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