Pandas.DataFrame.plot to generate scatter graph using data
import pandas as pd
df =pd.DataFrame(data=my_dict)
df.plot.scatter(title='Sale Vs Visit',x='visit',y='sale')
scatter chart with options
There are several options we can add to above scatter diagram.
title :
title='sale Vs Visit' String used as Title of the graph.
figsize :
Size of the graph , it is a tuple saying width and height in inches, figsize=(6,3). Here width is 6 inches and height is 3 inches.
fontsize=20 , we can set the font size used labels in x and y axis.
We can use the option colors to give different colors to points . We can use one tuple to define the colours. Here it is color=[(.9,.4,.2)], this is in R G B format where each value varies from 0 to 1.
We can specify log scaling or symlog scaling for x ( logx=True ) or log scaling for y ( logy=True ), we can specify both the axis by loglog ( loglog=True)