to_json() : Json string from DataFrame

Returns JSON formatted string from the DataFrame.
import pandas as pd 
df = pd.DataFrame(data=my_dict)
df.to_json('D:\my_file.json') # Json format file is saved in D drive
This will create a file my_file.json with json formatted data at root of D drive.
df.to_json() # Output as Json string
to_json(): Datafram data to Json string #B07

if the path_or_buf is not given then string output is returned.
import pandas as pd 
df = pd.DataFrame(data=my_dict)

Option orient

We can give option for orient as split,records, index ( default ) , columns, values,table
import pandas as pd 
df = pd.DataFrame(data=my_dict)
orient='index' ( default )
'{"schema": {"fields":[{"name":"index","type":"integer"},{"name":"NAME","type":"string"},{"name":"ID","type":"integer"},{"name":"MATH","type":"integer"},{"name":"ENGLISH","type":"integer"}],"primaryKey":["index"],"pandas_version":"0.20.0"}, "data": [{"index":0,"NAME":"Ravi","ID":1,"MATH":30,"ENGLISH":20},{"index":1,"NAME":"Raju","ID":2,"MATH":40,"ENGLISH":30},{"index":2,"NAME":"Alex","ID":3,"MATH":50,"ENGLISH":40}]}'

Using SQLAlchemy

Python Pandas DataFrame to create JSON file & using MySQL sample table to JSON string by to_json()

We will collect records from our sample student table in MySQL database and display the JSON formatted string.
Collect SQL dump of sample studtent table below.
Read more on MySQL with SQLAlchemy connection. Below code will create student.json file in the same directory, you can add path if you want the file to be created at different location.
import pandas as pd 
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://userid:pw@localhost/my_db")
sql="SELECT * FROM student LIMIT 0,10 "
df = pd.read_sql(sql,my_conn)

From Excel file to JSON output

In above code we have created one DataFrame by taking data from a MySQL database table. We can create DataFrame by using any excel data or by using any csv file or from any other sources. ( check here to create a DataFrame from 8 different sources )
Once a DataFrame is created, then using that we can create JSON output by using to_json(). Here is one example to read one Excel file to a DataFrame and generate JSON string, you can explore other sources to create a DataFrame and finally generate JSON string / file.
We used read_excel() to read our sample student.xlsx file.
df=pd.read_excel("D:\\my_data\\student.xlsx") # Path of the file. 
We can read one csv file by using read_csv()
df=pd.read_csv("D:\\my_data\\student.csv") # change the path


Data input and output from Pandas DataFrame
Pandas read_csv() read_excel() read_json() to_csv() to_excel()

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