Data stored in MySQL tables can be pickled and un-pickled by using Pandas DataFrame. « What is Pickle .
Here are the steps required for completing the pickling and un- pickling processes.
Create a file in Binary mode and Pickle the table to this file
The full code is here . Update your userid, Password and database name with your MySQL login details.
import pickle
import mysql.connector
import pandas as pd
my_connect = mysql.connector.connect(
####### end of connection ####
my_data = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM student LIMIT 0,5",my_connect)
print(my_data) # print output to check
###### end of collecting data and creation of DataFrame #######
fob = open('my_student','wb') # file handling object is created
pickle.dump(my_data,fob) # generated the Pickle
There is a print command in above code, so 5 records of our student table will be shown ( same as output shown below )
Now we have created the my_student the pickled binary file. Now we will try to read the data by using our un-pickle code.
my_dict1=pickle.load(fob) # reading the Pickle
Output is here
id name class mark sex
0 1 John Deo Four 75 female
1 2 Max Ruin Three 85 male
2 3 Arnold Three 55 male
3 4 Krish Star Four 60 female
4 5 John Mike Four 60 female
Using to_pickle()
In place of using pickle_dump() we can use to_pickle() as we already have the data in Pandas DataFrame and by using this line we can create the file my_student. ( no need to create fob the file object )
reading pickled data
We can create Pandas DataFrame by using read_pickle() function. We will collect the same ( above ) records by using read_pickle().
import pandas as pd
Output is here
id name class mark sex
0 1 John Deo Four 75 female
1 2 Max Ruin Three 85 male
2 3 Arnold Three 55 male
3 4 Krish Star Four 60 female
4 5 John Mike Four 60 female