from PIL import Image, ImageDraw,ImageFont
path = "E:\\testing\\images\\certificate.png" # blank certificate
path2 = "E:\\testing\\images\\certificate_1.png"# Path to save
img =, mode="r")
fnt = ImageFont.truetype("times.ttf", 110) # family with size
d1 = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
d1.text((650, 990), "plus2net", fill=(94, 61, 43),font=fnt) # adding text # display # save in given path
Watermark on Images using Pillow library
We can set the location of adding text as watermark based on width and height of the image. This will help when we have different size images and we want watermark to appear at location relative to the edges of the image.
This code will add the text at left - bottom part of the image.
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw,ImageFont
path = "E:\\testing\\images\\certificate.png" # blank certificate
path2 = "E:\\testing\\images\\certificate_1.png"# Path to save
img =, mode="r")
width,height=img.size # read height and width of main image
margin_x,margin_y=40,125 # set margins from edges of the main image
fnt = ImageFont.truetype("times.ttf", 100) # family with size
d1 = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
d1.text((margin_x,height-margin_y), "plus2net", fill=(94, 61, 43),font=fnt) # display # save in given path
Height and width of Font - String
Based on the font style and font size the total width and height of the string will change. How to get the width and height of the string?
By using getmetrics() we will get a tuple of the font ascent (the distance from the baseline to the highest outline point) and descent (the distance from the baseline to the lowest outline point)
ascent, descent = fnt.getmetrics()
getmask() Returns the bitmap for the text getbbox() Returns bounding box (in pixels) of given text
text_width = fnt.getmask(text_string).getbbox()[2] # height of the string
Here is the code to get width and height of a string with given font family and size.
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw,ImageFont
font_size=200 # Font size
fnt = ImageFont.truetype("times.ttf", font_size) # family with size
ascent, descent = fnt.getmetrics()
text_string='plus2net' # text to be writen
text_width = fnt.getmask(text_string).getbbox()[2] # height of the string
text_height = fnt.getmask(text_string).getbbox()[3] + descent # width
print(text_width,text_height) # width and height of the text writen
Using the above width and height based on the text string, we will create one image. This image will exactly hold our text string.
path = "F:\\testing\\images\\test3.png" # new image to save
img ="RGB", (text_width, text_height), color="#F1F1CC")
d1 = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
d1.text((0,0), text_string, fill=(194, 61, 43),font=fnt)
Based on above concept we will add text string on all four corners of the image. Script will adjust the location of text string in all corners based on the font size, font family and length of the string.
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw,ImageFont
path = "E:\\testing\\images\\certificate.png" # blank certificate
path2 = "E:\\testing\\images\\certificate_1.png"# Path to save
text_string='plus2net' # text to be writen
font_size=150 # font size
fnt = ImageFont.truetype("times.ttf", font_size) # family with size
ascent, descent = fnt.getmetrics()
text_width = fnt.getmask(text_string).getbbox()[2] # height of the string
text_height = fnt.getmask(text_string).getbbox()[3] + descent # width
print(text_width,text_height) #
img =, mode="r")
width,height=img.size # read height and width of main image
d1 = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
d1.text((width-text_width,height-text_height),text_string, fill=(94, 61, 43),font=fnt) # right buttom
d1.text((width-text_width,0),text_string, fill=(94, 61, 43),font=fnt) # right top
d1.text((0,height-text_height),text_string, fill=(94, 61, 43),font=fnt) # left bottom
d1.text((0,0),text_string, fill=(94, 61, 43),font=fnt) # left top # display # save in given path
Adding rotated text as watermark
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageOps
path = "F:\\testing\\images\\certificate.png" # blank certificate
path2 = "F:\\testing\\images\\certificate_1.png" # Path to save
img =, mode="r")
img2 ="L", (1200, 900))
fnt = ImageFont.truetype("times.ttf", 350) # family with size
d1 = ImageDraw.Draw(img2)
d1.text((0, 0), "plus2net", fill=55, font=fnt)
w = img2.rotate(30, expand=1)
img.paste(ImageOps.colorize(w, (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 84)), (180, 120), w) # display # save in given path
Adding image as watermark
from PIL import Image,ImageFilter
path = "F:\\testing\\images\\certificate.png" # blank certificate
# path2 = "E:\\testing\\images\\cat-crop2.jpeg" # Image to add
path2 = "F:\\testing\\images\\player.png" # Image to add
path3 = "F:\\testing\\images\\certificate_1.png" # final certificate
img =, mode="r")
img2 =, mode="r")
# img2 = img2.filter(ImageFilter.EMBOSS) # add filter
img2 = img2.filter(ImageFilter.CONTOUR)
# img2 = img2.filter(ImageFilter.FIND_EDGES)
# img.paste(img2) # Past from top left corner
img.paste(img2, (200, 600)) # Past at x, y location # save final file