str1="Welcome "
str2=" to "
str3=" Python "
str4=" Your student id = "
print(" Hi {2} {1} {0} ".format(str1,str2,str3))
print(" Hi {0} {1} ".format(str4,id))
Output is here
Hi Python to Welcome
Hi Your student id = 5
Correct the first line to get proper sequnce of words
Right align
name='My Name'
print("Name {:>25s}, Age {:2d}".format(name,age))
Now the name variable will align right ( within the 25 char space )
Name My Name, Age 5
Printing decimal upto 2 places using format
my_str="Mr ABCD"
name="Welcome to Python"
print("Hi {}, Your id = {}, Your Average ={:.2f})".format(my_str,id,avg))
Output is here
Hi Mr ABCD, Your id = 5, Your Average =356.23)
Python adds one line break ( default value of end='\n' ) after each print command, we can remove the line break ( Watch the end='' within the print ())
my_str="Mr ABCD"
name="Welcome to Python"
print("Hi {}, Your id = {} ".format(my_str,id),end='')
print("Your Average ={:.2f})".format(avg))
output is here
Hi Mr ABCD, Your id = 5 Your Average =356.23)
We can use end to print any string at the end of the output. Check here how we used end='...' to print dots after the number.
for i in range (4):
We can add a separator in between strings
print('welcome','to','plus2net', sep='-')
Multiple strings with +
print('Welcome '+ 'to '+'plus2net')
Welcome to plus2net
We can send the output by flushing the internal buffer. Default value for flush is False.
In this case we are trying to send each output within the loop after a delay of 1 second. With the default setting of False the output will come all at the same time after a delay of 5 seconds. By keeping the value of flash=True we can send the outputs in steps with a delay of 1 second.
import time
for i in range(5,0,-1):
print(i,end=' >> ',flush=False) # default value for flush
#print(i,end=' >> ',flush=True) # delay in each output
time.sleep(1) # delay of 1 second
Python print output with flush option to clear the buffer with example using timer
String and Integer
We can't print string with integer, this will generate error. TypeError: must be str, not int
with open('my_file.txt', mode='w') as fob:
print('hello world', file=fob)
This will create my_file.txt file in same directory and write 'hello world' to it.
Printing using variables inside string
print("Hello ",b," to ", c )
Output is here
Hello welcome to Python
Using escape char
Let us print I can't travel by bus
print(' I can\'t travel by bus')
We used escape char \ inside the word can't to print single quote instead of using as string termination.
We can use special char \ inside our string without using as escape char by adding r before the quotes
Here \t is not considered as Tab and the out put is here