Python Pygsheets
Creating Google sheets
Create one folder inside your google drive, give the name as python-test .
Give Share authorization ( Share with people and group ) to Google API service account you are using.
Google API authorization and Share at Part 1 here » Creating one new File my_sheet1 ( google sheet ) inside python-test directory.
import pygsheets
path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\google-sheet\\creds1.json'
set_dataframe(df, start, copy_index=False, copy_head=True,
extend=False, fit=False, escape_formulae=False, **kwargs)
Options Details
df Pandas DataFrame
start Staring Point tuple ( row, column). It is (1,1) in below example
copy_index Default False, Copy Index data from DataFrame
copy_head True ( default ), column headers of Pandas DataFrame is copied.
extend False( default) If required add columns and rows ( see example )
fit False(default), Resize to fit all data in DataFrame if required
escape_formulae How to handle formula ( value with = or +- sign )
nan Replace NaN values with
Create Pandas DataFrame and then store the same inside our google sheets my_sheet1 .
wk1=sh[0] # first worksheet
import pandas as pd # importing Pandas library
df = pd.DataFrame(data=my_dict) # creating DataFrame
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