Display all records of last 2 days ( no future dates )
Display all records of next 3 days ( no previous dates )
Display all records of Previous 10 days to previous 5 days
Display all records of next 5 days to next 10 days
Display all records of current month .
Display all records of previous month
Display all records of current month till today
Display all records of Jan month
Display all records of current year
Display all records of the year 2022
Display all records of current week
Display all records of previous week
Display all records of first week of the year
Display all records of working days ( Monday to Friday ) of current week of the year
Display all records of working days till today of current week of the year
strftime() formats
%d day of month: 00
%f fractional seconds: SS.SSS
%H hour: 00-24
%j day of year: 001-366
%J Julian day number (fractional)
%m month: 01-12
%M minute: 00-59
%s seconds since 1970-01-01
%S seconds: 00-59
%w day of week 0-6 with Sunday==0
%W week of year: 00-53
%Y year: 0000-9999
%% %
Connecting to Database using sqlite3 and applying query
import sqlite3
my_path='F:\\testing\\sqlite\\my_db.db' #Change the path of your database
my_conn = sqlite3.connect(my_path) #
except sqlite3.Error as my_error:
print("error: ",my_error
print("Connected to database successfully")
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table" # SQL to use for getting data from table
r_set=my_conn.execute(query) # execute the query using the connection
for row in r_set:
print(row) # Print each row
except sqlite3.Error as my_error:
print("error: ",my_error)
Connecting to Database using SQLAlchemy and applying query
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
my_path='F:\\testing\\sqlite\\my_db.db' #Change the path
my_conn = create_engine('sqlite:///'+ my_path)
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
error = str(e.__dict__['orig'])
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table LIMIT 0,3" # Query to use
for row in r_set:
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
error = str(e.__dict__['orig'])
Display all records of today's date
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE date=date('now')"
for row in r_set:
Output ( it will change based on your sql dump and system date value )
('0', '2020-08-19', 'Aug-2020')
For all the queries , the display part remain same and the SQL string query only changes. So in all balance scripts only the query part is shown.
Display all records of yesterday
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE date=date('now','-1 day')"
Display all records of tomorrow
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE date=date('now','1 day')"
Display all records of last 2 days ( no future dates )
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE date BETWEEN date('now','-2 day') AND date('now')"
Display all records of next 3 days ( no previous dates )
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE date BETWEEN date('now') AND date('now','3 day')"
Display all records of Previous 10 days to previous 5 days
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE date BETWEEN date('now','-10 day') AND date('now','-5 day')"
Display all records of next 5 days to next 10 days
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE date BETWEEN date('now','5 day') AND date('now','10 day')"
Display all records of current month
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE strftime('%m',date) = strftime('%m','now')"
Display all records of previous month
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE strftime('%m',date) = strftime('%m','now','-1 month')"
Display all records of current month till today
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE date BETWEEN strftime('%Y-%m-01','now') and strftime('%Y-%m-%d','now')"
Display all records of Jan month
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE strftime('%m',date)='01'"
For December month
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE strftime('%m',date)='12'"
Display all records of current year
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE strftime('%Y',date) = strftime('%Y','now')"
Display all records of the year 2022
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE strftime('%Y',date) = '2022'"
Display all records of current week
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE strftime('%W',date) = strftime('%W','now')"
Display all records of previous week
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE CAST(strftime('%W',date) AS INTEGER) = CAST(strftime('%W','now') AS INTEGER) - 1 "
Display all records of next week
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE CAST(strftime('%W',date) AS INTEGER) = CAST(strftime('%W','now') AS INTEGER) + 1 "
Display all records of first week of the year
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE CAST(strftime('%W',date) AS INTEGER) = 1 "
Display all records of working days ( Monday to Friday ) of current week of the year
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE strftime('%W', date)=strftime('%W','now') and \
CAST(strftime('%w',date) AS INTEGER) BETWEEN 1 AND 5"
Display all records of working days till today of current week of the year
query="SELECT * FROM dt_table WHERE strftime('%W', date)=strftime('%W','now') and \
CAST(strftime('%w',date) AS INTEGER) BETWEEN 1 AND CAST(strftime('%w','now') AS INTEGER) "