Checks for alphanumeric characters in a string. Returns True if only number and alphabets are present and returns False if any thing other than alphanumeric characters are present.
print(my_str.isalnum()) # Output is True
my_str='Welcome to plus2net'
print(my_str.isalnum()) # Output is False (presence of Space)
More using special chars
print('plus2net'.isalnum()) # True 2 is allowed
print('_plus2net'.isalnum()) #False _ not allowed
print('plus_2net'.isalnum()) #False _ not allowed
print('plus.2net'.isalnum()) #False . not allowed
print('plus-2net'.isalnum()) #False - not allowed
print('plus@2net'.isalnum()) #False @ not allowed
print('plus#2net'.isalnum()) #False # not allowed
print('plus 2net'.isalnum()) #False space not allowed
Validating userid
In any signup or login form , the userid input is to be checked then isalumn() function can be used.
Here is a code which checks the length and if the input string and is alphanumeric or not. If any condition fails then the flag used for checking became False.
if(len(userid) <5 or len(userid)>12 or not userid.isalnum()):