Create a button which on click will close the window ( source code here )
Create three buttons. First one will have text saying hi Welcome . Text on 2nd button should say Change. On click of 2nd button the text in first button should change to this is new text . On click of third button the window should close.
Add one more text box to above script and on click of 2nd button , a welcome message should appear inside the text box.
In place of text box use one Label in above script.
Window should display Welcome message on click of a button
Enter your name in a textbox and on click of a button your name should display with welcome message
Create one incremental counter starting from 0 and updating at 1 second frequency, add one start and stop button to stop and start the counter. One more reset button to start the counter from 0 again. One end button to close the window.
Create one calculator with Add , subtract, multiple and division buttons.
Ask the user to enter Date of Birth from a DateEntry ( Calendar ) widget. Then display their age in Year, month and days. .... Age Calculation Solution here
Based on completed tasks ( number of selections by user ), display one progress bar.
User will enter data in a text widget within a time period. Total number of chars entered by user will be displayed. typing speed calculator
Text Editor with all file handling operations like New, Open., Save, Save As and Close to add or update data of the file. The tkinter filedialog is used to display file handling dialog boxes and Menu is used to execute various functions to manage a file. Tkinter Text Editor to Manage File Operations »
Create one MySQL connector where user will enter login details of MySQL database and click a button to connect. Once connected, window will list all the available tables inside the database. In case of error the message returned from MySQL will be displayed. MySQL Database Connector »
Modify the above script to add feature to execute any query. After successful connection to MySQL ( or SQLite ) database, the button saying SQL will be enabled. On click of this button one new window will open ( use Toplevel ) with one entry box. User can use this entry box to write any SQL and on submit the same will be executed and the result will be displayed on parent window.
For Select query the records will be displayed, for update or delete query the number of rows affected will be displayed.
If the query has failed to execute then the error message should be displayed.
The query window should retain the SQL for future edit.
Integrating Pandas with Tkinter can be a powerful way to create data-driven GUI applications in Python. By using Pandas to read and manipulate data, and Tkinter to create user-friendly interfaces, we can create applications that allow users to interact with and visualize complex data sets in a variety of ways.
Data Visualization Tool: A GUI application that allows users to select a dataset, and then choose from a range of data visualization options, such as histograms, scatterplots, and heatmaps. The application could use pandas to read and manipulate the data, and Tkinter to provide the user interface and plot the visualizations.
Data Analysis Dashboard: A GUI application that loads a dataset, and then displays summary statistics and visualizations for each variable in the dataset. The application could use pandas to compute the statistics and plot the visualizations, and Tkinter to provide the user interface and display the results.
Financial Analysis Tool: A GUI application that loads financial data, such as stock prices, and allows users to analyze and visualize the data. The application could use pandas to read and manipulate the financial data, and Tkinter to provide the user interface and plot the visualizations.
Interactive Data Table: A GUI application that displays a table of data, and allows users to sort, filter, and manipulate the data. The application could use pandas to read and manipulate the data, and Tkinter to provide the user interface and display the table.
Machine Learning Tool: A GUI application that loads a dataset, and allows users to train and evaluate machine learning models on the data. The application could use pandas to read and manipulate the data, and Tkinter to provide the user interface and display the model performance metrics.
Filter Pandas DataFrame based on user inputs and display results in Treeview. User can select row and delete the same from the DataFrame. The final DataFrame can be saved in Excel or CSV foramts by browsing the local system.