Create a blank tuple by using constructor and check the data type
Create a blank tuple
Create a tuple with five integers
Create a tuple by taking data from a range()
Unpack a tuple and display the elements
Create a tuple by using data from a list
Create a tuple by using duplicate data ( tuple allows duplicate ? )
Create one tuple by using single element and check the data type by using type() function
Create a tuple using integers only, then use max(), min(), sum(),len() functions using tuple as input.
Create one tuple and try to delete all elements by using clear() method. Check the error message.
Create one tuple and find out number of elements present of a particular value by using count() method.
Find different position values in this tuple ? my_tuple=('a','c','d','c','x','k','d','c') , value in first position, value in last position, value in 3rd position etc..