Python xlsxwriter Library

Write data image chart to Excel from List or dictionary in format using Python xlsxwriter library

A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files.

To install the library
pip install xlsxwriter
xlsxwriter adding data to Excel page

import xlsxwriter
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\xlsxwriter\\demo1.xlsx'#Path 
wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(my_path) # create workbook 
ws = wb.add_worksheet() # Add worksheet

ws.set_column('A:A',13) # increase width of the column
ws.set_column('B:B',13) # increase width of the column

#Using Cell address 
ws.write('A1', 'Welcome to ')
ws.write('B1', 'plus2net')

# using row/column notation. Starting with row=0,column=0

ws.write(2,0, 123) # row 2 , column 0
ws.write(3,0, 'row-3,column-0') 
ws.write(3,1, 'row-3,column-1')


xlsxwriter adding format to cell
bold = wb.add_format({'bold': True}) # Adding bold format 
my_format = wb.add_format({'bold': True, 
	'font_color': 'red','bg_color':'#FFFF00'})
# Text with formatting.
ws.write('A1', 'Welcome to ',bold) # adding bold format 
ws.write('B1', 'plus2net',my_format) # adding font and background color

write() : Adding List to Excel file

import xlsxwriter
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\xlsxwriter\\demo1.xlsx' 
wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(my_path) # create workbook 
ws = wb.add_worksheet() # Add worksheet

l1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] # List to populate 
r,c=0,0 # starting row and column 

for data in l1:
    r=r+1 # increase row value by 1 
Using write_row() we can add the list in one row
import xlsxwriter
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\xlsxwriter\\demo1.xlsx' 
wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(my_path) # create workbook 
ws = wb.add_worksheet() # Add worksheet

l1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] # List to populate 

ws.write_row('A1', l1) # Add list in one row 


xlsxwriter adding formula using write_formula()

Using formula, we will add all the cell values from A1 to A7 and display the same at A8
import xlsxwriter
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\xlsxwriter\\demo1.xlsx' 
wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(my_path) # create workbook 
ws = wb.add_worksheet() # Add worksheet

l1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] # List to populate 
r,c=0,0 # starting row and column 

for data in l1:
    r=r+1 # increase row value by 1 
ws.write_formula('A8', '=SUM(A1:A7)')

Adding dictionary to Excel file

xlsxwriter to add dictionary to Excel page
import xlsxwriter
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\xlsxwriter\\demo1.xlsx' 
wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(my_path) # create workbook 
ws = wb.add_worksheet() # Add worksheet

r,c=0,0 # starting row and column 

for k in my_dict:
    ws.write(r,c,k) # adding Key at first column
    ws.write_row(r,c+1,my_dict[k]) # adding List after key in same row
    r=r+1 #increase row value by 1 


insert_image() : Adding image to Excel file

insert_image() to add Image to Excel page
import xlsxwriter
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\xlsxwriter\\demo1.xlsx' 
wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(my_path) # create workbook 
ws = wb.add_worksheet() # Add worksheet

ws.insert_image('A1', 'D:\\top2.jpg') # Cell and Path of the image

l1 = [1,2,3,4,5] # List to populate 

ws.write_row(3,0, l1) # Add list in one row 

insert_chart() : Adding chart

insert_chart() to add Graphs to Excel page
import xlsxwriter
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\xlsxwriter\\demo1.xlsx' 
wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(my_path) # create workbook 
ws = wb.add_worksheet() # Add worksheet
l1 = [20,10,13,16,18] # List to populate 
ws.write_row(0,0, l1) # Add list in one row 

chart = wb.add_chart({'type': 'column'}) # chart object 
chart.add_series({'values': '=Sheet1!$A$1:$E$1'}) # Adding series
ws.insert_chart('A3', chart) # adding chart 
Database table to Excel file
Export SQLite database table to Excel in Colab platform using xlsxwriter

Python openpyxl library

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    HELLO Friend
    I have question related to your code here:
    chart = wb.add_chart({'type': 'column'}) # chart object
    chart.add_series({'values': '=Sheet1!$A$1:$E$1'}) # Adding series

    and here is my python code for my excel sheet
    chart1.add_series({'values': '=Swap Report!$I$1:$M$1',
    'fill': {'color': 'red'},
    'border': {'color': 'black'}})

    it is not working and show me only empty chart ??
    what should I do

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