Modifying XML files in Python is a versatile feature, allowing you to update, add, or remove nodes and attributes. This guide uses Python's ElementTree library to demonstrate common XML modification tasks.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
Step 1: Import the ElementTree module, which is part of Python's standard library for handling XML files.
# Load the XML file
tree = ET.parse("sample.xml")
root = tree.getroot()
Step 2: Load the XML file into memory using ET.parse() and access the root element with getroot().
# Update text of a specific node
for student in root.findall("student"):
id = student.find("id").text
if id == "2":
student.find("name").text = "Max Updated"
Explanation: This code locates the <student> node with id=2 and updates the text of the <name> child node to "Max Updated".
# Add a new child element
for student in root.findall("student"):
grade = ET.SubElement(student, "grade")
grade.text = "A"
Explanation: A new element <grade> is added as a child of each <student> node, with its text set to "A".
# Remove a specific element
for student in root.findall("student"):
mark = student.find("mark")
if mark is not None:
Explanation: The <mark> element is removed from each <student> node if it exists.
# Save changes to a new XML file
tree.write("updated_sample.xml", encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)
Explanation: The modified XML tree is written to a new file named updated_sample.xml, ensuring changes are saved with proper encoding.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# Load the XML file
tree = ET.parse("E:\\testing\\students.xml")
root = tree.getroot()
# Update text of a specific node
for student in root.findall("student"):
id = student.find("id").text
if id == "2":
student.find("name").text = "Max Updated"
# Add a new child element
for student in root.findall("student"):
grade = ET.SubElement(student, "grade")
grade.text = "A"
# Remove a specific element
for student in root.findall("student"):
mark = student.find("mark")
if mark is not None:
# Save changes to a new XML file
tree.write("E:\\testing\\updated_sample.xml", encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)
<name>John Deo</name>
<name>Max Updated</name>
Python's ElementTree library provides a robust way to modify XML files, enabling tasks like updating, adding, or removing elements and attributes. This tutorial provides a foundational understanding for tackling XML modification tasks effectively.