Query to change the display order of records on a field dynamically

Click the Mark header to change the display order.

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Read how order by is used in php paging script.
We can reverse the display order or change field on which the order of display is applied by managing the order by sql query. Here the option ( link ) is available to user to change the order of display as per their requirement.
We will be using PHP script in managing or changing the query as per the user clicks on the column header hyper link of the field.

We can write our query to display the records in the order of marks obtained by the students from highest to lowest.

Here is the php code
if(isset($by) and $by=="asc"){
$by="desc"; // Order is set to decreasing 
$by="asc";  // Order is set to increasing 

$query="SELECT * FROM `student` where class='Four' ORDER BY mark $by ";
echo "<table border='0' width='300' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align=center>";
echo "<tr><td><b>Name</b></td>
<td><b><a href='sql_order-change.php?by=$by'>mark</a></b></td></tr>";

while ( $nt=mysql_fetch_array($rt)){
echo "<tr><td>$nt[name]</td><td>$nt[mark]</td></tr>";

echo "</table>";
Note that the value of $by we are setting before the query by an if - else logical condition and when ever user clicks the header link of the mark table the value of $by changes and the order by query also changes. The value of $by gets either 'asc' or 'desc'.
ORDER BY query
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    How do you get rid of double or triple and so on "by=asc" "by=desc" lines on url line in the browser? Whenever you implement it in your own code the url line just generates more variables "by=asc&by=desc" an so on.


    do you have a sample of dynamic table that can display all the table in the database even if their field are different, with pagination


    You can download the plus admin script . Or check this page to list tables

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