PHP member signup script using mysql

Are you creating a signup form for your visitors ? You must have seen many sign up forms through out the Internet. Sites asking you for free signup or paid signup. Through signup webmasters keep a record of the visitors address, profile and other details, so every time the visitor need not fill all the details for every product or service it order through the website.
HTML form input userid password email validating and processing user entered data using PHP

Advance Signup Script

This is a basic script and it requires knowledge of PHP , MySQL.
You can check our advance Signup - Login script using PHP, MySQL, JQuery & Bootstrap.

You can try plus-signup-v2 and visit this page again.

With the popularity of Ajax , we have included this concept in our membership management script new versions. You can see the demo of signup and login forms
DEMO of Signup form using Ajax

While signup we will collect user id and password from the member and using these information the member will login in future. By using this userid and password the site can maintain users state and continue their activities in site.

Check the php discussion forum and you can signup to became a member. Once you signup in future you can just login and start using the forum. You need not enter all your details on every visit to forum. We will learn how to create a basic signup form for your visitors using PHP and MySQL database. Here we will discuss about the form for member to signup and in the part II of this tutorial we will discuss about entering the member information to the table after the form validation.

We will use some basic checking or validation to ensure all required info are filled by the visitor. We will also keep some optional fields in the form. As we will be developing this script with some basic requirements, you can expand it further as per your need. We will try to include all type of form components so you will learn how to handle them in different situation. We will be using MySQL database for storing the data so you must ensure that PHP mysql, database set-up etc are working perfectly.. You can download the sql file ( dump_signup.txt, inside the zip file) and create the table. You can refer to related tutorials maintained at different part of the article.

 User ID
 Re-enter Password
 Sex Male Female
 I agree to terms and conditions

Login Script Storing Signup data in MySQL table Login / Logout script
Change Password Update Profile

Watch all Videos on Signup script

Validating inputs

Inputs to Database

Login & session


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