grade in exam using if else elif in Python

Mark of a student in Exam is taking as input. Based on this mark grade is decided by using if , elif and else.

More than or equal to 80 is A grade
More than or equal to 60 is B grade
More than or equal to 40 is C grade
Less than 40 mark is Fail
m=int(input("Enter your mark "))
    print("You got A grade")
    print("You got B grade")
    print("You got C grade")
    print("Failed in this Exam ")
if elif else condition check
Python if else and elif to execute code blocks based on condition checking True or False

Example : Using Ternary Operator for Quick Grade Assignment

marks = 88
grade = 'A' if marks >= 90 else 'B' if marks >= 80 else 'C'
print(f"Marks: {marks}, Grade: {grade}")

Example 6: Calculating Average Mark and Grade for a Class

Here’s how to calculate the average marks for a class and assign a grade based on the average:

marks = [85, 78, 92, 68, 74, 88, 90]

# Calculate the total and average marks
total_marks = sum(marks)
average_marks = total_marks / len(marks)

# Assign grade based on the average
if average_marks >= 90:
    grade = 'A'
elif average_marks >= 80:
    grade = 'B'
elif average_marks >= 70:
    grade = 'C'
elif average_marks >= 60:
    grade = 'D'
    grade = 'F'

print(f"Average Marks: {average_marks:.2f}, Grade: {grade}")
Average Marks: 82.14, Grade: B

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