import os
Create a student.csv file in same directory ( where application is running )
import csv
import os
if not os.path.exists(file_name):
with open(file_name, mode='w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
writer.writerow(["id", "name", "class", "mark", "gender"])
Returns a list of directories and files of given path. If input path is not given then a list of files and directories of current working directory is returned.
import os
path = "E:\\testing\\images\\" # Directory Path
Get file creation and file modification date and time 🔝
Use strftime() to get different date and time format output. Here getmtime() returns the file modified timestamp and getctime() returns file creation timestamp.
import os
from datetime import datetime
path = "E:\\testing\\images\\test3.png" # Directory Path
t_stamp=os.path.getmtime(path) # for file modificaton time
#t_stamp=os.path.getctime(path) # for file Creation time
dt_mod = datetime.fromtimestamp(t_stamp) # date object
print('File Modified on:', dt_mod) # Printing date and time
m_date = datetime.strftime(dt_mod, '%Y-%m-%d') # Change format
In below code we can include this line with getsize() to get the file size in bytes.
File Modified date, file extension and file size 🔝
Collecting all files with details from the input directory and creating DataFrame Part II
import os
from datetime import datetime
#path = "E:\\testing\\images\\test3.png" # Directory Path
path = "E:\\testing\\" # Directory Path
for f in files:
t_stamp=os.path.getmtime(path+f) # for file modificaton time
#t_stamp=os.path.getctime(path) # for file Creation time
dt_mod = datetime.fromtimestamp(t_stamp) # date object
#print('File Modified on:', dt_mod) # Prting date and time
m_date = datetime.strftime(dt_mod, '%Y-%m-%d') # Change format
print(f, f_extension, m_date,size)
While using above functions, for any system related errors we will get OSError. We can use try except error handling to display message saying error details. Here is a code to raise error while deleting directories.
import os
#os.makedirs(path) # create all directories in the path
os.rmdir(path) # delete directory my_dir4
except OSError as e:
print(e) # Specific error message
print ("Failed to delete %s " % path)
print ("Successfully deleted the directory %s " % path)
Output ( my_dir4 is not available to delete )
[WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified: 'D:\\my_dir1\\my_dir2\\my_dir3\\my_dir4'
Failed to delete D:\my_dir1\my_dir2\my_dir3\my_dir4
import win32api
import win32print
# A List containing the system printers
all_printers = [printer[2] for printer in win32print.EnumPrinters(2)]
# Update the default printer or ask user to select.
win32print.SetDefaultPrinter(all_printers[2]) # Update your printers
path2 = "F:\\testing\\images\\certificate_12.pdf" # Path of PDF file
win32api.ShellExecute(0, "print", path2, None, ".", 0)
import re,os
path1='C:/xampp/htdocs/example/dir_name/' # dir path
if(file_name_to_check in file_list):
print('File is there, checking')
for f in file_list:
if(file_extension=='.php'): # check this extension only
fob= open(path1+f,'r',encoding='utf8',errors='ignore') # collect data
fob.close() # close file object
urls1 = re.findall(r'href=[\'"]?([^\'" >]+)', data,re.IGNORECASE)
if(file_name_to_check in urls1):
print('File is not there, check the name and then submit. ')
Check presence of string inside all files of a directory 🔝
Inside the directory check for file names having tkinter and inside the file not having the string
We can use regular expression or find() to search for strings.
import re,os
path1='C:/xampp/htdocs/dir_name/python/' # dir path
file_list=os.listdir(path1) # List of files
for f in file_list:
#if'tkinter',f, re.IGNORECASE):
if f.lower().find('tkinter')>=0: # check string in file name
fob= open(path1+f,'r',encoding='utf8',errors='ignore') # collect data
fob.close() # close file object
if data.find('')<0: # not present
List the file if string is not present inside the file 🔝
import re,os
path1='C:/xampp/htdocs/dir_name/python/' # dir path
file_list=os.listdir(path1) # List of files
for f in file_list:
#if'tkinter',f, re.IGNORECASE):
#if f.lower().find('tkinter')>=0: # check string in file name
if(file_extension=='.php'): # check this extension only
fob= open(path1+f,'r',encoding='utf8',errors='ignore') # collect data
fob.close() # close file object
#if data.find('')<0: # not present
if data.find('breadcrumb')<0: # not present
print("Total files : ",len(file_list),", Not having string : ",total)
This code example demonstrates how to use the `os` module in Python to get a list of all files in a directory, along with their details such as file size, creation time or modification time. This information can be useful for various tasks such as file management, data analysis, and system administration.
The code uses the os.listdir() function to get a list of all files in the specified directory. It then uses a for loop to iterate through the list of files and retrieve their details.
We are using one list of directories and against each directory we are creating one excel file.
import os
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
# source directory list to get list of files inside the directory
for d in l1:
path = "C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\plus2net\\"+d+"\\" # full path to directory
f_x='C:\\data2\\'+d+'.xlsx' #path with name, to store final excel file for directory
files=os.listdir(path) # List of files in the directory
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['f_name', 'dt', 'size']) #create blank DataFrame
df['dt'] = pd.to_datetime(df['dt']) # change to date column
for f in files: # list of files looping
if(f_extension=='.php'): # To check only .php file extensions
t_stamp=os.path.getmtime(path+f) # for file modificaton time
#t_stamp=os.path.getctime(path) # for file Creation time
dt_mod = datetime.fromtimestamp(t_stamp) # date object
#print('File Modified on:', dt_mod) # Prting date and time
m_date = datetime.strftime(dt_mod, '%Y-%m-%d') # Change format
#print(f, f_extension, m_date,size)
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'f_name': [f], 'dt': [m_date],'size':[size]})
df=pd.concat([df,df2]) # add row to DataFrame
#df = df.append({'f_name' : f, 'dt' : m_date, 'size' : size},ignore_index = True)
df.to_excel(f_x,index=False) # create excel file with file data
The output of the code will be a table containing the file name, size, creation time, or modification time for all files in the current working directory. This information can be useful for various purposes, such as identifying large files, finding recently modified files, or organizing files by their creation or modification dates.
Storing the file details with path in MySQL table 🔝
import os
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine,Float
my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://id:pw@localhost/my_db") #fill details
my_conn=my_conn.connect() # add this line if error
# source directory list to get list of files inside the directory
l1=['c-tutorial'] # comment this line to update all directories
for d in l1:
path = "C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\plus2net\\"+d+"\\" # full path to directory
f_x='E:\\testing\\sitemap\\'+d+'.xlsx' # excel file to store, file name is the directory name
files=os.listdir(path) # List of files in the directory
#create blank DataFrame with column names, some will be updated later.
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['url','f_name', 'dt', 'size','tag_nav','Sp_Mobile','Sp_Desktop'])
df['dt'] = pd.to_datetime(df['dt']) # change to date column
df.astype({'Sp_Mobile': 'float64'}).dtypes # float column in DataFrame
df.astype({'Sp_Desktop': 'float64'}).dtypes
for f in files: # list of files looping
if(f_extension=='.php'): # To check only .php file extensions
t_stamp=os.path.getmtime(path+f) # for file modificaton time
#t_stamp=os.path.getctime(path) # for file Creation time
dt_mod = datetime.fromtimestamp(t_stamp) # date object
#print('File Modified on:', dt_mod) # Prting date and time
m_date = datetime.strftime(dt_mod, '%Y-%m-%d') # Change format
fob= open(path+f,'r',encoding='utf8',errors='ignore')
#print(path+f) # collect data
if data.find('')<0: # not present
if data.find('canonical')<0: # not present
if data.find('breadcrumb')<0: # not presetn
url=""+d+"/"+f # site name + directory + file name
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'url':url,'f_name': [f], 'dt': [m_date],'size':[size],'todo':1,
df=pd.concat([df,df2]) # add row to DataFrame
df.to_excel(f_x,index=False) # create excel file with file data
#to store in database table
df.to_sql(con=my_conn,name=d,if_exists='replace',index=False,dtype={"Sp_Mobile": Float,"Sp_Desktop":Float})