for i in range(10):
for i in range(5): # Outer loop for rows, change range stop value for more or fewer rows
for j in range(10): # Inner loop for columns, change range stop value for more or fewer columns
print('*', end='') # Print asterisk without moving to the next line
print('') # Move to the next line after printing all columns in a row
for i in range(1, 10): # Outer loop to control the number of rows
for j in range(i): # Inner loop to print stars or numbers in each row
print('*', end='') # Print asterisk without moving to the next line
#print(j, end='') # Uncomment to show numbers instead of asterisks
print('') # Move to the next line after each row
for i in range(10): # Outer loop controls the number of rows
for j in range(10 - i): # Inner loop controls the decreasing number of columns
print('*', end='') # Print asterisk without moving to the next line
#print(j, end='') # Uncomment to display numbers instead of asterisks
print('') # Move to the next line after printing all columns in the row
for i in range(1, 11): # Outer loop controls the number of rows
for k in range(i, 10): # Loop for spaces before the stars
print(' ', end='') # Print spaces to center the pyramid
for j in range(2*i - 1): # Loop for stars in the row
print('*', end='') # Print asterisk without moving to the next line
print('') # Move to the next line after printing all characters in the row
for i in range(11, 0, -1): # Outer loop for the number of rows, decreasing from 11 to 1
for k in range(i, 11): # Loop for spaces before the stars
print(' ', end='') # Print spaces to shift the stars
for j in range((2*i) - 1): # Loop for stars in the row
print('*', end='') # Print asterisk without moving to the next line
print('') # Move to the next line after printing all characters in the row
for i in range(0, 12): # Outer loop controls the rows
for k in range(i, 11): # Loop for left-side stars
print('*', end='') # Print stars on the left
for j in range((2*i)): # Loop for spaces between stars
print(' ', end='') # Print spaces in the center
for k in range(i, 11): # Loop for right-side stars
print('*', end='') # Print stars on the right
print('') # Move to the next row after printing all characters
********** **********
********* *********
******** ********
******* *******
****** ******
***** *****
**** ****
*** ***
** **
* *
n = 5 # Total number of rows for the top half of the diamond
for i in range(n): # Loop for the upper part of the diamond
print(" " * (n - i - 1) + "*" * (2 * i + 1))
# Print spaces followed by stars to form the upper half
for i in range(n - 2, -1, -1): # Loop for the lower part of the diamond
print(" " * (n - i - 1) + "*" * (2 * i + 1))
# Print spaces followed by stars to form the lower half
n = 5 # Size of the square pattern
for i in range(n): # Outer loop for rows
for j in range(n): # Inner loop for columns
if i == 0 or i == n - 1 or j == 0 or j == n - 1:
print('*', end='') # Print stars for the border of the square
print(' ', end='') # Print spaces for the hollow part
print('') # Move to the next row
* *
* *
* *
n = 5 # Number of rows for the arrow pattern
for i in range(n): # Loop for the upward arrow
print(' ' * i + '*') # Print spaces followed by a single star
for i in range(n - 2, -1, -1): # Loop for the downward arrow
print(' ' * i + '*') # Print spaces followed by a single star
n = 5 # Number of rows for the diamond pattern
for i in range(n): # Upper part of the diamond
print(' ' * (n - i - 1) + '*' + ' ' * (2 * i - 1) + ('*' if i > 0 else ''))
# Print leading spaces, a star, middle spaces, and another star if not the first row
for i in range(n - 2, -1, -1): # Lower part of the diamond
print(' ' * (n - i - 1) + '*' + ' ' * (2 * i - 1) + ('*' if i > 0 else ''))
# Similar logic for the lower part, reversing the rows
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
n = 5 # Number of rows for the hourglass pattern
for i in range(n, 0, -1): # Upper inverted triangle
print(' ' * (n - i) + '*' * (2 * i - 1))
# Print leading spaces and stars for each row
for i in range(2, n + 1): # Lower upright triangle
print(' ' * (n - i) + '*' * (2 * i - 1))
# Print leading spaces and stars for each row
n = 5 # Number of rows for the Floyd's Triangle
num = 1 # Starting number
for i in range(1, n + 1): # Loop for each row
for j in range(1, i + 1): # Loop for each column in the row
print(num, end=' ') # Print the current number with a space
num += 1 # Increment the number
print('') # Move to the next line after printing a row
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
n = 5 # Number of rows for the hourglass pattern
for i in range(1, n + 1): # Upper part of the hourglass
print('*' * i + ' ' * (2 * (n - i)) + '*' * i)
# Print stars, spaces, and then stars again
for i in range(n, 0, -1): # Lower part of the hourglass
print('*' * i + ' ' * (2 * (n - i)) + '*' * i)
# Similar logic as the upper part but in reverse
* *
** **
*** ***
**** ****
**** ****
*** ***
** **
* *
n = 5 # Number of rows for Pascal's Triangle
for i in range(n): # Loop through each row
num = 1 # Initialize the first number in the row
print(' ' * (n - i), end='') # Print leading spaces for alignment
for j in range(i + 1): # Loop through each position in the row
print(num, end=' ') # Print the current number
num = num * (i - j) // (j + 1) # Update the number using Pascal's Triangle formula
print() # Move to the next line after completing the row
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
These patterns can be adjusted by modifying the range or loop values.
14-01-2023 | |
12345 1234 123 12 1 |
02-10-2023 | |
12345 1234 123 12 1 |
03-12-2023 | |
12345 1234 123 12 1 |
06-12-2023 | |
1 2 1 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 |