Starting from 1st day of the current month till now. ( there is no FAST_DAY() function to get the 1st day of the month).
SELECT * FROM `dt_table` WHERE date between DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE() ,'%Y-%m-01') AND CURDATE()
Get the last working day of the month
Sunday is not a working day of the month, so to get the last working day of the month we have to use weekday() function and then use IF function to check condition to change the date by 1 if last_day() returns SUNDAY , to get the last working day of the month.
require 'config.php'; // Database connection string
$query='SELECT LAST_DAY( NOW( )) as dt';
// Change the above Query part to get different results //
$row = $count->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
echo 'Output is : '.$row->dt;