NOW() : Current Date & Time in MySQL

Output is 2020-09-17 16:49:41 , this is in the format YYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

Now as a number ( SELECT NOW() + 0 )

NOW() to get todays, yesterday and tomorrow date with time with sample queries

SELECT NOW()- interval 1 HOUR  as One_hour_back,
 NOW() as Present, 
 NOW()+ interval 1 HOUR as One_hour_After
2025-02-16 23:34:522025-02-17 00:34:522025-02-17 01:34:52

Yesterday & Tomorrow date by using NOW()

SELECT NOW()- interval 1 day  as Yesterday, 
NOW() as Today, 
NOW()+ interval 1 day as Tomorrow
2025-02-16 00:34:522025-02-17 00:34:522025-02-18 00:34:52

Queries using Date and Time

We may require to collect records of last 5 hours or last 24 hours. Here are some queries to find out records based on date and times.
Queries using Date with time

Last Month , Today and Next Month

SELECT NOW()- interval 1 month  as LastMonth, 
NOW() as Today, 
NOW()+ interval 1 Month as NextMonth
Last MonthTodayNext Month
2025-01-17 00:34:522025-02-17 00:34:522025-03-17 00:34:52

Matching only date part ( not time ) with datetime field or Now()

We may store date with time in a table in the above mentioned date and time format. However we can compare the date part only ( without time ) to match the records. Example : We may be storing date and time of login of members in a table but want display all the login members of today or a particular date.
SELECT * from table_name WHERE DATE(date_column)='2019-12-26'
To match current or today's date
SELECT * from table_name WHERE DATE(date_column)=CURDATE()

Read more on CURDATE()

Adding current date and time by default to a record.

While storing a record MySQL can automatically insert date and time in a column. Read more on how to store default date and time in MySQL table here.
SQL Date References Group By in Date field DAYOFWEEK() : Get weekdays like Sunday , Monday .. etc
SQL file using NOW() queries
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