Read How Users can add elements to an array & than display all elements.
In above tutorial we will add another function to delete any element by user. Our function will collect key number by using indexOf method and then remove the element by using splice function. Here is the code for our function.function remove_element(index_no){
var t1=data.splice(index_no,1);
disp(); // displaying the array elements
Demo is here
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en">
<title>Demo of adding element to an array</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var data = new Array(); // creating array
function add_element(){
data.push(document.getElementById('t1').value); // adding element to array
document.getElementById('t1').value=''; // Making the text box blank
disp(); // displaying the array elements
function remove_element(index_no){
var t1=data.splice(index_no,1);
disp(); // displaying the array elements
function disp(){
var str='';
str = 'total number of elements in data array : ' + data.length + '<br>';
for (i=0;i<data.length;i++)
str += i + ':'+data[i] + " <a href=# onClick='remove_element("+data.indexOf(data[i])+")'> Remove</a> " + "<br >"; // adding each element with key number to variable
document.getElementById('disp').innerHTML=str; // Display the elements of the array
<input type=text id='t1'><input type=button value='Add' onClick='add_element()';>
<div id=disp></div>
Splice function to add remove elements
Removing all elements of an array
anjel | 07-03-2015 |
hi.. useful code.but i have a doubt what if i want to display particular element of any index and that index value is to be taken by entering values though users. |
smo | 13-03-2015 |
You can display the value by reading the key of the array. In side the function you can see one for loop is used with variable i, if i value is taken from user then the corresponding value can be displayed. |
Himari Biswas | 20-01-2016 |
thank u very much finally my problem solved |
mr red | 21-02-2017 |
how about, if the data in the arrays are on the table? what will the code format is? |
smo1234 | 23-02-2017 |
You have to first collect the data from the table by using any server side script and SQL. While displaying the data you can use the array push to insert data to the JavaScript array. Note that while using server side script you have to echo or print the client side JavaScript code to store values inside array. |
17-04-2021 | |
Thank you so much. This will help me |