mysqli_affected_rows(): Number of Records affected
We are changing all records to Class= Four
Using UPDATE Query
// Database connection file to declare $connection variable//
require "config.php";
$query="UPDATE student SET class='Four'";
if ($connection->query($query)) {
echo "Records Updated : ";
echo $connection->affected_rows;
echo $connection->error;
Records Updated : 5
This will only count records changed from any other class to class=Four, it will not count records which already have class=Four
Student Table : Sample Data and query to create table
config.php Database connection object $connection is taken from config.php file.
By using DELETE Query
// Database connection file to declare $connection variable//
require "config.php";
$query="DELETE FROM student WHERE class='Four'";
echo " Records Deleted = ".$connection->affected_rows;
Output is here
Records Deleted = 9
By Using INSERT Query
$query="INSERT INTO student (id,name,class,mark,sex) values(100,'John','Five','80','Male')";
echo "
No of records inserted : ".$connection->affected_rows;
Output is here
No of records inserted : 1
By using SELECT Query
$query="SELECT * FROM student WHERE class='Four'";
echo " Records returned = ".$connection->affected_rows;
Output is
Records returned = 9
By using SELECT with LIMIT Query
$query="SELECT * FROM student WHERE class='Four' LIMIT 2,4";
echo " Records returned = ".$connection->affected_rows;
$query="UPDATE student SET class=?,mark=? WHERE id=?";
if ($stmt = mysqli_prepare($connection,$query)){
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "sii", $class, $mark, $id);
echo "Record Updated:";
echo mysqli_affected_rows($connection);
echo mysqli_error($connection);
By using mysql_affected_rows we can get number of records changed / updated / deleted /inserted or selected after using SELECT, UPDATE, REPLACE, DELETE and INSERT query .
Where to use mysqli_affected_rows
Your user wants change his password. After updating the password field you can verify that the number of records updated and it should be equal to one.