try {
// Variables to update
$class = 'Three';
$mark = 68;
$id = 5;
// SQL UPDATE query
$query = "UPDATE student SET class=?, mark=? WHERE id=?";
// Prepare the statement
if ($stmt = mysqli_prepare($connection, $query)) {
// Bind parameters (s = string, i = integer)
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "sii", $class, $mark, $id);
// Execute the statement
if (mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt)) {
// Output the number of affected rows
echo "Record Updated: " . mysqli_affected_rows($connection);
} else {
// Handle execution error
throw new Exception("Statement execution failed: " . mysqli_stmt_error($stmt));
// Close the statement
} else {
// Handle preparation error
throw new Exception("Statement preparation failed: " . mysqli_error($connection));
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Handle any caught errors
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
// Close the connection
Here’s the object-oriented style (OOP) version of the code with a try-catch block for error handling:
try {
// Variables to update
$class = 'Three';
$mark = 68;
$id = 5;
// SQL UPDATE query
$query = "UPDATE student SET class=?, mark=? WHERE id=?";
// Prepare the SQL statement
if ($stmt = $connection->prepare($query)) {
// Bind parameters (s = string, i = integer)
$stmt->bind_param("sii", $class, $mark, $id);
// Execute the statement
if ($stmt->execute()) {
// Output the number of affected rows
echo "Record Updated: " . $connection->affected_rows;
} else {
// Handle execution error
throw new Exception("Statement execution failed: " . $stmt->error);
// Close the statement
} else {
// Handle preparation error
throw new Exception("Statement preparation failed: " . $connection->error);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Handle any caught exceptions
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
// Close the connection
Try Block:
The try block contains the main logic for preparing, binding, and executing the SQL query.
Any errors that occur during these operations will be caught by the catch block.
SQL Query:
The SQL query is prepared using prepare() on the $connection object, and the query string contains placeholders (?) for the parameters.
Binding Parameters:
bind_param() is called on the $stmt object to bind the variables ($class, $mark, $id) to the placeholders in the SQL query.
The data types are specified as "sii": s for string ($class), and i for integers ($mark and $id).
The execute() method runs the prepared statement.
If the query is successful, the number of affected rows is displayed using $connection->affected_rows.
Error Handling:
If an error occurs during statement preparation or execution, an Exception is thrown with the relevant error message (either $stmt->error or $connection->error).
The catch block captures the exception and displays the error message.
Both the prepared statement ($stmt->close()) and the connection ($connection->close()) are closed to free up resources.
Benefits of Object-Oriented Approach:
Encapsulation: Object-oriented MySQLi provides cleaner and more modular code.
Error Handling: The use of try-catch ensures that errors are handled gracefully, without crashing the script.
Reusability: With OOP, it’s easier to reuse the database connection and methods for various operations.
Example: Using Transactions for Updates
$class = 'Three';
$mark = 50;
// Prepare the SQL query
$query = "UPDATE student SET mark=? WHERE class=?";
if ($stmt = $connection->prepare($query)) {
$stmt->bind_param("is", $mark,$class);
if ($stmt->execute()) {
echo "Record updated successfully!";
echo "<br>Number of records Updated: " . $connection->affected_rows;
$connection->commit(); // Commit changes if successful
} else {
$connection->rollback(); // Rollback if there's an error
echo "Error during update, transaction rolled back.";
Record updated successfully!
Number of records Updated: 5
Example: Updating Multiple Columns Conditionally
$query = "UPDATE student SET class=?, mark=? WHERE id=? AND gender=?";
if ($stmt = $connection->prepare($query)) {
$stmt->bind_param("sisi", $class, $mark, $id, $gender);
echo "Updated records: " . $stmt->affected_rows;