Student Table : Sample Data and query to create table
config.php Database connection object $connection is taken from config.php file.
Adding single record to Student table.
require "config.php";// Database connection

$name = 'my_name';
$query="INSERT INTO student (id,name,class,mark,gender) values($id,'$name','$class','$mark','$gender')";
echo "<br>No of records inserted : ".$connection->affected_rows;
echo $connection->error;
We will get error message if the query fails to execute.

MySQLI database connection file

With Parameters by using bind_param()
require "config.php";// Database connection
$name = 'my_name';
$query="INSERT INTO student (id,name,class,mark,gender) values(?, ?,?,?,?)";
$stmt->bind_param("issis", $id, $name, $class,$mark,$gender);
echo "<br>No of records inserted : ".$connection->affected_rows;
echo $connection->error;
echo $connection->error;
We can change id field to auto increment type. Now we need not enter value for id. We will get the value for id after the record is added by using insert_id.
require "config.php";// Database connection
$name = 'my_name';
$query="INSERT INTO student (name,class,mark,gender) values( ?,?,?,?)";
$stmt->bind_param("ssis",  $name, $class,$mark,$gender);
echo "<br>No of records inserted : ".$connection->affected_rows;
echo "<br>Insert ID : ".$connection->insert_id;

echo $connection->error;
echo $connection->error;

Quick Add Without parameter binding

if($connection->query("insert into table_name (field_name) values('$field_value')")){
echo " Records added : ".$connection->affected_rows;
	echo " Records not added  ";

Inserting Data into a Student Table with MySQLi Prepared Statements and Try-Catch Block

More on Try - Catch - Finally code blocks to handle error
  • Database Connection: Establishes a connection to the MySQL database using the `$connection` object from the required `config.php` file.
  • Prepared Statement: A prepared statement with placeholders (`?`) is used for inserting values into the `name`, `class`, `marks`, and `gender` columns.
  • Binding Parameters: The `bind_param()` method binds the actual values to the placeholders. Here, `"sssi"` indicates that `name`, `class`, and `gender` are strings, while `marks` is an integer.
  • Executing the Query: The query is executed using `execute()`. If successful, a success message is displayed.
  • Affected Rows: After the query is executed, `affected_rows` displays the number of rows inserted (should be 1).
  • Insert ID: If the table has an auto-increment ID, `insert_id` returns the ID of the last inserted record.
  • Error Handling: The `try-catch` block is used to catch any `mysqli_sql_exception` and display an error message.


require "config.php"; // Database connection having $connection

try {
    // Variables to be inserted
    $name = "John Doe";
    $class = "Three";
    $marks = 85;
    $gender = "Male";

    // Prepare the SQL INSERT query
    $query = "INSERT INTO student (name, class, mark, gender) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";

    // Prepare the statement
    $stmt = $connection->prepare($query);
    // Bind parameters (s = string, i = integer)
    $stmt->bind_param("ssis", $name, $class, $marks, $gender);

    // Execute the statement
    if ($stmt->execute()) {
        echo "Record inserted successfully!";
        // Output affected rows
        echo "<br>No of records inserted: " . $connection->affected_rows;
        // Output the ID of the inserted record
        echo "<br>Insert ID: " . $connection->insert_id;
    } else {
        echo "Error: " . $stmt->error;
    // Close the statement

} catch (mysqli_sql_exception $e) {
    // Handle any errors
    echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();

// Close the connection

Output Explanation

  • If the query is successful, the message "Record inserted successfully!" will be displayed.
  • `affected_rows` will show how many records were inserted (typically 1).
  • `insert_id` will display the auto-increment ID of the newly inserted record (if applicable).
  • If any error occurs, the `catch` block will display the error message.

Here’s the procedural style equivalent of the above code, using MySQLi

try {
    // Variables to be inserted
    $name = "John Doe";
    $class = "Three";
    $marks = 85;
    $gender = "Male";

    // Prepare the SQL INSERT query
    $query = "INSERT INTO student (name, class, mark, gender) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";

    // Prepare the statement
    $stmt = mysqli_prepare($connection, $query);
    if ($stmt) {
        // Bind parameters (s = string, i = integer)
        mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "ssis", $name, $class, $marks, $gender);

        // Execute the statement
        if (mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt)) {
            echo "Record inserted successfully!";
            // Output affected rows
            echo "<br>No of records inserted: " . mysqli_affected_rows($connection);
            // Output the ID of the inserted record
            echo "<br>Insert ID: " . mysqli_insert_id($connection);
        } else {
            echo "Error: " . mysqli_stmt_error($stmt);

        // Close the statement
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // Handle any errors
    echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();

Adding date to MySQL

To store date in mysql date field we have to use YYYY-mm-dd format. This is how we will convert to required format first.
$date = new DateTime($dt);
Here $dt is the variable storing date field value.

MySQLi data variable can be checked like string.
$stmt->bind_param('s', $dt);

To add null to a date field

If you are receving date field as blank from a form then use this PHP script.
if(strlen($dt) >2){
$date = new DateTime($dt_approved);

MySQL DUMP of student table

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MYSQLI Functions mysqli_num_rows() Number of rows in result set SELECT query UPDATE query
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