The Employee Management module is a crucial part of any payroll system. This module allows users to manage employee details such as name, department, and basic salary. Using Tkinter for the GUI and SQLAlchemy ORM for database interactions, this module provides an intuitive interface and robust backend functionality.
The load_employees function retrieves all employee records from the database and displays them in the Treeview widget.
def load_employees():
\"\"\"Loads employee data from the database and populates the Treeview.\"\"\"
employees = session.query(Employee).all()
for emp in employees:
tree.insert("", "end", values=(,, emp.department, emp.basic_salary))
The update_employee function allows users to modify an employee's details. It validates the inputs and updates the database using SQLAlchemy ORM.
def update_employee():
\"\"\"Updates the selected employee's details in the database.\"\"\"
The Treeview widget is used to display employee data in a tabular format. It allows users to select an employee and view their details in the input fields for modification.
tree = ttk.Treeview(tree_frame, columns=columns, show="headings", height=10)
tree.heading("id", text="ID")
tree.heading("name", text="Name")
tree.heading("department", text="Department")
tree.heading("basic_salary", text="Basic Salary")
tree.column("id", anchor="center", width=50)
tree.column("name", anchor="w", width=150)
tree.column("department", anchor="w", width=150)
tree.column("basic_salary", anchor="center", width=100)
The employee_page function is integrated into the Payroll Management System. This function is called from the file and displayed under the Employee Management tab.
from employee_module import employee_page
# Employee Management Tab
frame_employee = ttk.Frame(notebook)
notebook.add(frame_employee, text="Employee Management")
frame_employee.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
frame_employee.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
The Employee Management module is a critical component of the Payroll Management System. It provides a user-friendly interface for managing employee details while ensuring data consistency and integrity through SQLAlchemy ORM. Explore Payslip Generation and Attendance Management modules for a complete payroll management solution.