We can show headers only for a group of content ( panels ) and on clicking the header we can display the content by expanding it, by changing the focus to other headers the previous header content will hide by collapsing.
Header 1
Text about Header 1
Header 2
Text about Header 2
Header 3
Text header 3
Header 4
Text about Header 4.
This is useful for showing FAQ, threaded discussions etc where users can decide to read more based on the title of the content. Here is the syntax
<div id='accordion'>
<h3>Header 1</h3>
Text about Header 1
<h3>Header 2</h3>
Text about Header 2
<h3>Header 3</h3>
Text header 3
<h3>Header 4</h3>
Text about Header 4.
Output is here
Using Keyboard
Arrow key UP / LEFT move up direction the focus of headers
Arrow key DOWN/ RIGHT move in down direction
HOME shift focus to first header
END shift focus to last header
SPACE / ENTER open the focused header
We can decide which panel to remain active or open, by default this value is 0, so the first panel remains in open or active condition. We can make any other panel to remain active. Here is the code
$( '#accordion' ).accordion({
active: 3
To read active panel number
var p_active = $( ".accordion" ).accordion( "option", "active" );
To set the active panel
$( ".accordion" ).accordion( "option", "active", sel );
// sel is the variable
Collapse all panels of accordion by setting active to false along with setting of collapsible to true
We can decide speed of transition of panels by setting value for animate. The value can be any of these four
Boolean : FALSE used to disable animation
Number : transition in milliseconds
String : Name easing can be given like
Object : Combine easing and duration properties
$( '#accordion' ).accordion({
animate: 50
To read animate value or speed of transition of panels
var speed = $( ".accordion" ).accordion( "option", "animate" );
To set the speed of animation
$( ".accordion" ).accordion( "option", "animate", sel );
// sel is the variable
WE can add different classes to the elements of the accordion.
Wheater all panels can be closed or not. It will take boolean value, True of false.
Default value is "auto"
It will take three values
"auto" : All panels will take the height of panel having maximum height
"fill" : Panels will fill the available parent height of accordion
"content" : each panel will take the height based on its content
var test_instance =$(".accordion" ).accordion( "instance" );
get the option name and value.
var my_option = $( ".accordion" ).accordion( "option", "active" );
We can use dot notation to get the value if the option is an object.
Example .
var my_option = $( ".accordion" ).accordion( "option", "icons" );
We can get the object with key value pair of all the options.
var options = $( ".accordion" ).accordion( "option" );
$.each( options, function( key, value ) {
$('#d1').append( key + ": " + value + " ");
Example :
Refresh the accordion to refresh the changes.
$( ".accordion" ).accordion( "refresh" );
Get Jquery object of the accordion .
var my_widget = $( ".accordion" ).accordion( "widget" );
This event is triggered once panel transition is completed. By keeping the animate:1000 we can reduce the speed of transition and observe that the event takes place after the completion of animation.
We will get four objects to use
newHeader : header which is just activated newPanel: Panel which is just activated oldHeader : header which was just deactivated oldPanel : Panel which was just deactivated.
All the details are same as activate event above.
This event is triggered before the panel transition started.
We will get four objects to use
newHeader : header which is just activated newPanel: Panel which is just activated oldHeader : header which was just deactivated oldPanel : Panel which was just deactivated.