PHP is a server side scripting language used for managing backed functionality of the web site. PHP code is used to interact with database and manage the programing part of the website. Our browsers does not understand or supports PHP scripts. When user ( browser ) request for a PHP page the server interpret php files and returns the output in the form of HTML. By using PHP we can manage the outputs which reaches browser and finally displayed to the user.
This is the set of tags which is understood by web browser. By HTML we can control the look and feel of the website. Browser interprets the HTML tags and accordingly display the page. For example to write a part of text using underline we have to use tags and mark the starting and ending of the underlined text.
This is mainly used for managing client side scripting requirement. Our browsers support JavaScript and they execute this code once the page is loaded at client side. Server sends the code along with HTML tags to the web browser for execution at client end.
This is a database which stores records. Server side scripting languages interact with database and manage the data. We can add, update or delete records based on the requirement by using server side scripting language. Structured Query Language (SQL ) is the common language used to interact with the database.
We can select and set event option value by using raiod buttons. We can read the associated value and display
Type : String
Default : 'content'
Set the height of the tab and each panel. Possible values are here.
Content : each panel will take the height based on their content.
Fill: each panel will take the full height of tabs parent element.
Auto : each panel will take the height of tallest panel Maximum.
$( "#my_tabs" ).tabs({
Specify the event to activate the tab
Getting event option value
var status = $( "#my_tabs" ).tabs( "option", "heightStyle")
We can select and set heightStyle option value by using raiod buttons. We can read the associated value and display
Type : Boolean or String or number or object
Default : null
Boolean : No animation, panels will be closed immediately
Number : Duration of animation while closing the panels in millseconds
string : Specified effect can be used while closing. Available effect list
Object: properties with object.
We can select and set hide option value by using radio buttons. We can read the associated value and display
Type : Boolean or String or number or object
Default : null
Boolean : No animation, panels will be closed immediately
Number : Duration of animation while closing the panels in millseconds
string : Specified effect can be used while closing. Available effect list
Object: properties with object.