PHP SQLite delete table

We will create the database and connection object.
$my_conn = new PDO('sqlite:my_student.sqlite3');
We will use $my_conn to execute our query.

By using drop query to delete table.

Deleting table

Deleting table
$my_conn = new PDO('sqlite:my_student.sqlite3');

// Set errormode to exceptions

 $sql=$my_conn->prepare("DROP TABLE  student");

echo " <br><br>Table deleted. ";
$my_conn = null;
Output is here
Table deleted.
User Confirmation: Suggest adding an additional layer of security by confirming with the user (e.g., through a form or prompt) before executing the delete operation.
$status=$_GET['status']; // Getting value from query string
$sql=$my_conn->prepare('DROP TABLE student');
    echo "<br> student table deleted. ";
catch(PDOException $e){
	echo " Table not deleted : ".$e->getMessage();
    echo "<br><a href=drop.php?status=yes> 
    Clcik here to delete table</a>";
We will check the table if exists or not by using sqlite_master before deleting it. The first line is the query for checking sqlite_master with type=table and name=table_name by using WHERE condition.

If the table is available then we will delete it.
$q="SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='student'";
$row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
if(strlen($todo)==3 and $todo=='yes'){	
 $sql=$my_conn->prepare("DROP TABLE  student");

echo " <br><br>Table deleted. <br> ";
$my_conn = null;
} // end of checking todo
}else{ // end of if else if student table exits 
echo " <br><br>student table is not available<br> "; 
Delete Records only
Download sample script for SQLite with instructions on how to use.

Delete Records Update records

PHP SQLite PDO Functions
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