How to Enable SQLite Support in PHP

PHP Portable Data Object ( PDO ) has a driver for SQLite database as pdo_sqlite. We can check the support for the driver by using phpinfo().
Use phpinfo() to get PHP installation details, code is here
echo phpinfo();

Enabling SQLite database support in PHP using PDO and sqlite3 A1


Part of the output is shown here with PDO SQLite support.

Checking PDO driver support using if - else

To check for different database PDO driver support we can use this code.
By using PDO::getAvailableDrivers() we can get an array of available PDO drivers, so we can use in_array() to check the presence of SQLite inside the array and if-else to display appropriate message to user.
if (!in_array("sqlite",PDO::getAvailableDrivers(),TRUE))
 throw new PDOException ("Cannot work without a proper database setting up");
 echo "<font color='green'>Database setup is OK</font>";

If SQLite dirver support is missing then follow the instructions at php.ini here to enable the support. ( restart web server if php.ini is changed )

Enabling pdo_sqlite support inside php.ini

Enable SQLite PDO extension

sqlite3 support

Check phpinfo() to know about sqlite3 library support.
sqlite3 library support
Update or enable sqlite3 library support in your php.ini file.

Enable php_sqlite3.dll inside your php.ini file.

sqlite3 enable at php.ini file

Version details of sqlite3 library
$ver_dtl = SQLite3::version();

echo $ver_dtl['versionString'] . "<br>";
echo $ver_dtl['versionNumber'] . "<br>";

Output is here ( may change based on your installation )
array(2) { ["versionString"]=> string(8) "" ["versionNumber"]=> int(3008010) }

PHP Data Object PDO installation or enable and creating connection string to manage MySQL database

Download sample script for SQLite with instructions on how to use.

Connection to SQLite and create table

PHP SQLite PDO Functions
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