PHP Portable Data Object ( PDO ) has a driver for SQLite database as pdo_sqlite. We can check the support for the driver by using phpinfo().
Use phpinfo() to get PHP installation details, code is here
echo phpinfo();
Enabling SQLite database support in PHP using PDO and sqlite3 A1
Part of the output is shown here with PDO SQLite support.
Checking PDO driver support using if - else
To check for different database PDO driver support we can use this code.
if (!in_array("sqlite",PDO::getAvailableDrivers(),TRUE))
throw new PDOException ("Cannot work without a proper database setting up");
echo "<font color='green'>Database setup is OK</font>";
If SQLite dirver support is missing then follow the instructions at php.ini here to enable the support. ( restart web server if php.ini is changed )
Enabling pdo_sqlite support inside php.ini
sqlite3 support
Check phpinfo() to know about sqlite3 library support.
Update or enable sqlite3 library support in your php.ini file.