We will create the database and connection object.
$my_conn = new PDO('sqlite:my_student.sqlite3');
We will use $my_conn to execute our query.

Read more on limit query here.

USING limit query

LIMIT query takes two inputs, one is the starting position of the record and another is number of records. We will add these two values along with SELECT query using LIMIT.
 // Create (connect to) SQLite database in file
$my_conn = new PDO('sqlite:my_student.sqlite3');
  // Set errormode to exceptions
echo "<br>LIMIT 0, 10 <br><br>";
$sql="SELECT * FROM student  LIMIT 0,10";

$step = $my_conn->prepare($sql);
$step = $step->fetchAll();
echo "<table>";
foreach ($step as $row) {
echo "<tr ><td>$row[id]</td><td>$row[name]</td><td>$row[class]</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
1	John Deo	Four
2	Max Ruin	Three
3	Arnold	Three
4	Krish Star	Four
5	John Mike	Four
6	Alex John	Four
7	My John Rob	Five
8	Asruid	Five
9	Tes Qry	Six
10	Big John	Four
Note that the first record is at 0th position and 10 records are returned staring from 0th position record.

Using Parameters

echo "<br>LIMIT 5, 10 <br><br>";
$sql="SELECT * FROM student  LIMIT :val1,:val2";

$step = $my_conn->prepare($sql);
	$step->bindParam(':val1', $val1,PDO::PARAM_INT,10);
	$step->bindParam(':val2', $val2,PDO::PARAM_INT,10);
	$step = $step->fetchAll();
	echo "<table>";
foreach ($step as $row) {
echo "<tr ><td>$row[id]</td><td>$row[name]</td><td>$row[class]</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";	
Output is here

LIMIT 5, 10

6	Alex John	Four
7	My John Rob	Five
8	Asruid	Five
9	Tes Qry	Six
10	Big John	Four
11	Ronald	Six
12	Recky	Six
13	Kty	Seven
14	Bigy	Seven
15	Tade Row	Four
Download sample script for SQLite with instructions on how to use.

Check PHP pdo support for SQLite using phpinfo()

PHP SQLite PDO Functions
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