Creating a Glassy Button in Photoshop

Creating a Glassy Button in Photoshop
Create a new file and name it as GlassyButton.psd. Select Rounded Rectangle Tool. Zoom tool
Set radius of rounded corners as per your requirement from Options Bar. Zoom tool

Set foreground color and draw a rectangle shape.

Zoom tool

Set Stroke and Inner Shadow
as in Fig(1),Fig(2)


Zoom tool


Zoom tool



Zoom tool
Take new layer and draw another rectangle smaller than the previous one.
Add Layer Mask to the new layer, and select the gradient tool and drag on the rectangle shape.
Select new layer. Right click on the layer then you will get options, Select 'create duplicate layer' from those options.
Now you have to Transform the shape (flip Vertical).

wow, you have created the Glassy Button. Now you can add
Some text on the button.


* indicates required
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