Creating water mark images in photoshopOpen your Photoshop package and create one new image of 225 pixel width and 32 pixel height. You can select your dimension as per your requirement. Set the background to transparent while creating the image. Now use the text tool and keep the font as Arial Black and font size to 30. Write your text you want to make water mark. We have used this font style as the width of the fonts will be more to get better water mark, you can use your font style. Now go to layer box. If this box is not visible then open it by visiting Windows > Layers or press F7. On the layer tab select the text layer , right click and select Blending options. On the first window under Advanced Blending change the Fill Opacity to 25 %. Then goto ( or select ) Bevel and Emboss. Then under structure Style select outer bevel , technique Smooth. Change the depth to 1000% . Under Shading change the angel and altitude to 176 and 6 degree. Under the shadow mode keep the Opacity to 100 % . Just check the picture below for your matching settings. Now your water mark is ready. Keep on changing the settings of the above screen to get different styles of water mark.
This article is written by team.
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