Download PHP SQLite Scripts

Download the ZIP file and run these scripts in your PHP invironment.

Using pdo_sqlite

Admin interface to check PHP PDO SQLite support and learn about SQL commands to Create table, delete records, display records, drop table etc.
Read the readme.txt file. Open the index.php file and use the menu at top. ( plus2net_pdo_sqlite_v1 ).


All basic scripts using query(), Parameterized query, Paging of records .
Read the readme.txt file. Open the index.php file and use the menu at top. ( plus2net_sqlite3_v1 ).

Download and run PHP SQLite3 demo script to learn - 19

Rating Script

One set of radio buttons are displayed at the end of the page for the user to rate the article in in 1 to 5 scale. Data is stored in SQLite database and average rating of the article is displayed. Article on Rating script

Displaying details of a single record from a list

List of records from a table can be displayed and link can be provided to show full details of the record. Here the record id is used to collect individual record details.
Article on single record

Comments / Feedback posting by visitors

At the end of the page visitors can post their comment about the blog post by using a form. Site admin can approve or deny or delete the post from inside the Admin area.
Article on Posting feedback

Simple user Login script using SQLite PDO

Build a login system using PHP, SQLite, and PDO. This system covers creating the users table, displaying a Bootstrap-styled login form, and validating user credentials with PDO to start a session upon successful login.
Article on Sqlite Login system

SQLite SQLite3 : Command Line Tool to manage SQLite database
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