If the mark column is more than or equal to 60 then highlight the row with background colour. ( Note the *4 for number of columns )
def highlight(s):
if s.mark >= 60: # change this condition
return ['background-color: yellow']*4
return ['background-color: white']*4
df.style.apply(highlight, axis=1)
Creating HTML table from DataFrame
We will use set_table_styles() to add style property to our DataFrame and then we can display or create one html file ( my_html.html). Note that to display output we have to use our local setting. This code is tested in Google Colab.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
df= pd.DataFrame(data=my_dict)
my_styles = [
'selector': 'th',
'props': [('background-color', 'blue'),
('font-family','Segoe UI')]
'props':[('background-color', 'yellow'),
dfs = df.style.set_table_styles(my_styles)
html = dfs.hide_index().render() # get html
#create one html file#
with open("my_html.html","w") as fp:
html = dfs.hide_index().render()
#*to display in a jupyter notebook*