The `to_xml()` function in Pandas allows you to export a DataFrame to an XML file. It supports options like setting the root tag, row tag, and handling namespaces. Here are examples to help you use this function effectively.
Converting Pandas DataFrame to XML with Customization
Learn how to export a Pandas DataFrame to XML format with full control over attributes like root name, row name, XML declaration, and pretty-printing for enhanced readability.
import pandas as pd
# Sample DataFramedata = {
'id': [1, 2, 3],
'name': ['John Deo', 'Max Ruin', 'Arnold'],
'class': ['Four', 'Three', 'Three'],
'mark': [75, 85, 55],
'gender': ['female', 'male', 'male']
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Convert to XML with all attributes explicitly setdf.to_xml(
xml_declaration=True, # Include XML declaration
pretty_print=True# Format XML for readability
Read data from student table from MySQL ( update the Step 1, the connection part ) or SQLite database to create a DataFrame. Using the to_xml() create one xml file from the DataFrame.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import pandas as pd
# Step 1: Connect to the SQLite database using SQLAlchemyengine = create_engine('sqlite:///F:/testing/sqlite/my_db.db') # Replace with your database path# Step 2: Read the student table into a DataFramequery = 'SELECT * FROM student'df = pd.read_sql_query(query, engine.connect())
# Step 3: Export the DataFrame to an XML filedf.to_xml(
xml_declaration=True, # Include XML declaration
pretty_print=True# Format XML for readability
# Print success messageprint("Data successfully exported to student.xml")
What is the purpose of the to_xml() function in Pandas?
How can you customize the root and row element names using to_xml()?
What is the default behavior of the index parameter in to_xml()?
Provide an example of creating an XML file with a custom root tag.