Adding line chart to PDF file with options to change the width, color and layout by Python ReportLab
Horizontal Line chart
from import HorizontalLineChart
Here we have two set of data used to generate line graphs.
data = [
(13, 5, 20, 22, 37, 45, 19, 4),
(5, 20, 46, 38, 23, 21, 6, 14)
Using this data the graph is here.
In this format we can collect sample data from SQLite or MySQL database and display the graph.
Category Axis and Value Axis
Full code is here. Different options are explained using the comment section.
from reportlab.lib import colors
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\pypdf2\\my_pdf.pdf'
from import Drawing
from import HorizontalLineChart
d=Drawing(1000,500) # width , height
data = [
(13, 5, 20, 22, 37, 45, 19, 4),
(5, 20, 46, 38, 23, 21, 6, 14)
lc.x = 50 # horizontal position
lc.y = 50 # vertical position
lc.height = 400 # height of the chart area
lc.width = 930 # width of the chart area = data
lc.lines[0].strokeWidth=2 # width of the line 1
lc.lines[1].strokeWidth=4 # width of the line 2
lc.lines[0] # line colour
lc.lines[1] # line colour
lc.valueAxis.valueMin = 0
lc.valueAxis.valueMax = 50
lc.valueAxis.valueStep = 10
lc.categoryAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'ne'
lc.categoryAxis.labels.dx = 5
lc.categoryAxis.labels.dy = -2
lc.categoryAxis.labels.angle = 30
lc.categoryAxis.categoryNames = ['Jan-22','Feb-22','Mar-22',
d.add(lc, '')
from import renderPDF
renderPDF.drawToFile(d, my_path, '')
Background colour of the chart
lc.fillColor=colors.yellow # background colour
Colour of lines
lc.lines[0] # line colour
lc.lines[1] # line colour
Line Plots
from reportlab.lib import colors
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\pypdf2\\my_pdf.pdf'
from import Drawing
from import LinePlot
from import makeMarker
d=Drawing(1000,500) # width , height
data = [
((1,4), (2,2), (2.5,1), (3,3), (4,5)),
((1,3), (2,3), (2.5,2), (3.5,5), (4,6))
lp = LinePlot()
lp.x = 40
lp.y = 50
lp.height = 445
lp.width = 945 = data
lp.joinedLines = 1
lp.lines[0].symbol = makeMarker('FilledCircle')
lp.lines[1].symbol = makeMarker('Circle')
lp.lineLabelFormat = '%2.0f'
lp.strokeColor =
lp.xValueAxis.valueMin = 0
lp.xValueAxis.valueMax = 5
lp.xValueAxis.valueSteps = [1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5]
lp.xValueAxis.labelTextFormat = '%2.1f'
lp.yValueAxis.valueMin = 0
lp.yValueAxis.valueMax = 7
lp.yValueAxis.valueSteps = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
from import renderPDF
renderPDF.drawToFile(d, my_path, '')
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