PDF report using image, charts and Paragraphs

Creating PDF report by using charts, table, graphs with text paragraphs by combination of components

We are adding five different components to our report. We created the images , charts, graphs and paragraphs separately and imported them to our main.py file. ( download the Zip file below with all source codes/ files )
from chart_verticalbar_chart import d
from table_1_basic import t 
from chart_linechart import line_chart
from paragraph1 import p1,p2,p3
from chart_2_circle import d_circle
We set the path with file name in our main.py file and this file finally creates the PDF document.
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\pypdf2\\my_pdf.pdf'
PDF report with image, charts and tables

Adding Image

Change the path of image here.
Adding image to PDF.
c.drawImage('D:\\top2.jpg',.1*inch,10*inch)  # image at left side top

Adding Vertical Bar chart

Bar charts in PDF
from chart_verticalbar_chart import d
d.drawOn(c, 3*inch,7.5*inch)   # vertical bar chart 

Adding table

Table from different data sources to PDF file
from table_1_basic import t 
t.wrapOn(c, width, height)     
t.drawOn(c,3.6*inch, 5.6*inch) # table at right side

Adding Paragraphs

from paragraph1 import p1,p2,p3
p1.wrapOn(c, 200, 200)
p1.drawOn(c, .6*inch,9.4*inch) # top paragraph of text 
p2.wrapOn(c, 200, 200)         
p2.drawOn(c, .6*inch,6.4*inch) # middle paragraph of text 
p3.wrapOn(c, 200, 200)
p3.drawOn(c, .6*inch,4.4*inch) # last paragraph of text 

Adding shapes ( Circles )

PDF Circles & Shapes
from chart_2_circle import d_circle
d_circle.wrapOn(c, 100, 100)
d_circle.drawOn(c, 4*inch,2.4*inch) # circles drawn at right 

Adding Line chart

Line charts in PDF
from chart_linechart import line_chart
line_chart.wrapOn(c, 810, 200)
line_chart.drawOn(c, .6*inch,.1*inch) # line chart at bottom
Full code is here.

from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from chart_verticalbar_chart import d
from table_1_basic import t 
from chart_linechart import line_chart
from paragraph1 import p1,p2,p3
from chart_2_circle import d_circle
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\pypdf2\\my_pdf.pdf' 
c = canvas.Canvas(my_path, pagesize=letter)
width, height = letter
c.drawImage('D:\\top2.jpg',.1*inch,10*inch)  # image at left side top 
d.drawOn(c, 3*inch,7.5*inch)   # vertical bar chart 
t.wrapOn(c, width, height)     
t.drawOn(c,3.6*inch, 5.6*inch) # table at right side
p1.wrapOn(c, 200, 200)
p1.drawOn(c, .6*inch,9.4*inch) # top paragraph of text 
p2.wrapOn(c, 200, 200)         
p2.drawOn(c, .6*inch,6.4*inch) # middle paragraph of text 
p3.wrapOn(c, 200, 200)
p3.drawOn(c, .6*inch,4.4*inch) # last paragraph of text 
d_circle.wrapOn(c, 100, 100)
d_circle.drawOn(c, 4*inch,2.4*inch) # circles drawn at right 
line_chart.wrapOn(c, 810, 200)
line_chart.drawOn(c, .6*inch,.1*inch) # line chart at bottom

Download .zip file with all source codes/files

Python PDF Line charts in PDF Pie Charts
PDF Mark sheet by using data from SQLite database

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