Creating PDF report by using charts, table, graphs with text paragraphs by combination of components
We are adding five different components to our report. We created the images , charts, graphs and paragraphs separately and imported them to our file. ( download the Zip file below with all source codes/ files )
from chart_verticalbar_chart import d
from table_1_basic import t
from chart_linechart import line_chart
from paragraph1 import p1,p2,p3
from chart_2_circle import d_circle
We set the path with file name in our file and this file finally creates the PDF document.
from paragraph1 import p1,p2,p3
p1.wrapOn(c, 200, 200)
p1.drawOn(c, .6*inch,9.4*inch) # top paragraph of text
p2.wrapOn(c, 200, 200)
p2.drawOn(c, .6*inch,6.4*inch) # middle paragraph of text
p3.wrapOn(c, 200, 200)
p3.drawOn(c, .6*inch,4.4*inch) # last paragraph of text
from chart_linechart import line_chart
line_chart.wrapOn(c, 810, 200)
line_chart.drawOn(c, .6*inch,.1*inch) # line chart at bottom
Full code is here.
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from chart_verticalbar_chart import d
from table_1_basic import t
from chart_linechart import line_chart
from paragraph1 import p1,p2,p3
from chart_2_circle import d_circle
my_path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\pypdf2\\my_pdf.pdf'
c = canvas.Canvas(my_path, pagesize=letter)
width, height = letter
c.drawImage('D:\\top2.jpg',.1*inch,10*inch) # image at left side top
d.drawOn(c, 3*inch,7.5*inch) # vertical bar chart
t.wrapOn(c, width, height)
t.drawOn(c,3.6*inch, 5.6*inch) # table at right side
p1.wrapOn(c, 200, 200)
p1.drawOn(c, .6*inch,9.4*inch) # top paragraph of text
p2.wrapOn(c, 200, 200)
p2.drawOn(c, .6*inch,6.4*inch) # middle paragraph of text
p3.wrapOn(c, 200, 200)
p3.drawOn(c, .6*inch,4.4*inch) # last paragraph of text
d_circle.wrapOn(c, 100, 100)
d_circle.drawOn(c, 4*inch,2.4*inch) # circles drawn at right
line_chart.wrapOn(c, 810, 200)
line_chart.drawOn(c, .6*inch,.1*inch) # line chart at bottom